Windows 7 is great!

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ToyotaNSaturn, you can't guarantee 100% software compatibility for win7, because it isn't true and even you know that. I just can't understand why you won't admit it, except if you are working in Microsoft.
ToyotaNSaturn, at Barnes&Noble I was able to get the book for 40% off. I had a 10% member discount plus the book was discounted 30%. You might want to try there. was selling the book fairly cheaply also.
Nothing is 100% compatible with any version of windows, there's always errors, patches, security holes, BSOD's, application lock-ups, etc. The rubber-stamp of a vendor that says "we support version X of our software on Windows XYZ..." doesn't mean as much as seeing it work over time.

I guess I approach this from the mind-set of the Unix/Linux world where a beta version of a given OS will work as well as a released version in terms of application compatibility. I ran a beta version of SuSE 10.something for a long time after the next version was released. It ran fine as did updated apps.

Perhaps when I beta tested Windows 2000 (er...NT 5) I should have kept it running in production until after XP came out. I wonder if it would have run everything that I could have thrown at it?? Never know I guess....
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