Why should i not use a motorcycle oil in a car?

"Why should I not use a motorcycle oil in a car?"

Uh, just a wild guess, might be stretching here... Because it ain't a motorcycle? :LOL:
Some? Specifically which ones? I haven't found any at the local autoparts stores.

This is a motorcycle oil.... it'll do all it needs to do for any engine. Because people sometimes want to 'race' their motorcycles and annoy us drones during the commute. So, racing is a marketing term.

Don't confusing real racing oils with 'marketing' for consumer rice rockets, vtwins, or coolness factor.
Redline racing oils don't have the "complete" additive package as its consumer oils.
Not a thread about Redline.... did anyone read the 1st post and research the product being purchased?

Red Line HPMO is a racing oil for those of us that don't want the term 'racing' on the label. Red Line always clarifies their 'straight weight' racing oil with the details on their website. Also, local autopart store doesn't stock it.
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