Why all the FUSS with German Castrol?

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Nov 16, 2002
Some of you are probably thinking why I'm always talking about Amsoil or Mobil 1. Well, to me, why is everyone going crazy over this oil when 1. We don't know what it is. 2. Don't know if it will still be here. 3. Is very difficult to find. 4. Other oils can do as well such as Amsoil/Mobil 1/Redline? Mobil 1, Amsoil and Redline you can have anytime you want buy going to a store or ordering via the phone. I can't believe people are going to this extent to track down an oil that isn't any better then what is already on the market.

[ November 05, 2003, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
We're going crazy over it because it's something new and it works. And it's yet to post a bad UOA too.

In my case, it was simply a whole lot better than anything else I've used so far. And it's cheaper than Mobil 1, and a whole lot cheaper than the other top synthetics. In fact it's the lowest cost true synthetic I can buy up here.

Why all the FUSS with Mobil 1? It's not the greatest oil in the world by any means but yet you fawn all over it.
PS-I'm tired of defending this oil. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Plain and simple. But don't get mad at those of us who do like it. It is proving itself to be a top notch oil. You won't find many 0w30 oils out there which are very thick 30wts and maintain their viscosity like this one. And it's proving to maintain it's TBN very well too, so it potentially could be used as a very long drain oil too.
Patman, your so defensive when someone attacks something you like, but when you tell the whole world that M1 isn't good and you should run an oil like GC that is nowhere to be found is kind of ridiculouls if you ask me. Why recommend this oil if Amsoil ASL, M1 or even Schaeffer's are more attainable and as capable?

I do praise Mobil 1 and Amsoil bc those guys continue to make great, affordable oils that I can be gauranteed to get. GC is a good oil, no one I know said it isn't, but d@mn if it hasn't been over praised and hyped already.

[ November 05, 2003, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
Why all the fuss about any oil? We all know that using any off the shelf group III or even dino will ensure that our engines will outlast most other components on the car in sub-5k drains. But we fuss, because it's a hobby now. The GC is novel and adds to a bit of intrigue to the hobby.

Why all the fuss about any oil?

Good point.
I'm tired of the biases though on this site and I might have to take a long break from this website. How I got myself into this as much as I did is a complete embarrasment IMO.

Originally posted by buster:

I do praise Mobil 1 and Amsoil bc those guys continue to make great, affordable oils that I can be gauranteed to get. GC is a good oil, no one I know said it isn't, but d@mn if it hasn't been over praised and hyped already.

Sure this oil has been hyped up a lot on here but it's also been the subject of a lot of negative publicity here too. I just see no point of starting this thread, it's just going to get people angry. Maybe I'm in a bad mood or something but I just see this thread as total flamebait. Yes I like this oil, I admit that. So sue me.

Originally posted by buster:
Patman, your so defensive when someone attacks something you like, but when you tell the whole world that M1 isn't good and you should run an oil like GC that is nowhere to be found is kind of ridiculouls if you ask me. Why recommend this oil if Amsoil ASL, M1 or even Schaeffer's are more attainable and as capable?

And one more thing. If you ever see some of the posts I make on other sites, I don't just mention GC and nothing else. In fact if an LS1 or LT1 owner asks me what oil they should run, I give them a few choices, including Amsoil 5w30 and Redline 5w30. I've even mentioned Mobil 1 0w40 a number of times too. But I don't mention Mobil 1 5w30 or 10w30 simply because I don't think they work very well in an LS1 or LT1. Just wait until 3MPs' Amsoil numbers start rolling in, you'll see what I mean.
Patman, just erase the thread. I don't care, honestly. It's stupid. I don't know why the oil itself has received any bad news from anyone. The availabilty and company maybe, but the oil is great from what it's been showing.

Patman, don't you think we'd see engines failing if M1 wasnt good enough? Why even say that? We know M1 is not the greatest oil. We know that. I just think people get in a frenzy when you tell them that wear numbers are better and think M1 is just not good enough for your engine.

I get ripped on here for supporting Amsoil (some even thought I was a dealer
) and then being a Mobil 1 spokesperson for posting the M1 racing oil thread. I can't friggin win! People complain about Mobil 1 not being A3 rated and then finally they do something NONE of us ever thought they would and everyone is ripping it apart. It's unbelievable! No one is ever satisfied.

[ November 05, 2003, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
Dino oil changed every 3k is good enough. But we strive to get the extra mile from our oils here.

Sure, M1 works well for many people, but keep in mind, most Vette owners put 5k a year on their cars, so even using the cheapest dino oil they can find, they'll still get 20 years or more out of their engine.

I honestly believe if you were to run M1 from new in an LT1 or LS1, and you drive very hard, you could certainly still get 200k of engine life. But let's say you want more? I know I do. So that's why I strive for even lower numbers.
Patman, I wouldnt even think of running dino in a Vette. Too hot. If you think the difference in 2-4ppm of lead on a UOA will make your car last longer, I got news for you, it won't.

[ November 05, 2003, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
I find it strange that none of GC's good UOA's are attributed to the fact that it's a THICKER oil than most anything drivers in NA have ever used. I've been waiting for somebody to mention that it's nearly a 40W for a few months now, but it got the better of me. My flamesuit is on!
sprintman, Patman has been saying that for awhile, and I give him credit for this bc he seems to be right. GC has a weak additive package IMO but must have something that is doing the job.
THICKER OIL ISN'T ANY @+%^*$~ BETTER YOU +|*@#$^ {*}+!!!!

AMSOIL IS ^!@~, MOBIL 1 #$%* AND GC IS MADE BY EX NAZI @$$%0~$!!!

How is this for a simulated flame at everything stated so far?


THICKER OIL ISN'T ANY @+%^*$~ BETTER YOU +|*@#$^ {*}+!!!!

AMSOIL IS ^!@~, MOBIL 1 #$%* AND GC IS MADE BY EX NAZI @$$%0~$!!!

How is this for a simulated flame at everything stated so far?


Oh man...that was good. Thanks.
GC kicks butt because I just poured it into my Nissan 20 minutes ago. I could try and pull a psholte and wax episodic about it being the exquisite green fluid the world has been waiting for but I'll skip that.

As far as availability, for me it is more available than Schaeffers or Amsoil. {UPS won't deliver to my house cause the road is too steep and narrow...Pansies!} Mobil 1 is super easy to find but I feel like trying something else. I also like the idea of a 0w-30 that is A3 rated.

I don't think GC is any more difficult to obtain than Amsoil. And comparing it to Big A's S2K OW-30, it's less expensive, no shipping fees, no membership fees, and appears to perform just as good if not better.

I just completed the AutoRX treatments on my 180K mi gasser and installed GC in the crankcase today. I'll have to say, this board is fun! I definitely respect the opinions of the regular posters. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
Hey, to each their own. My Amsoil orders hit the front porch in 1-2 days max. I don't want others to misunderstand my point and that is while GC is a very nice oil, maybe the best 0w-30 on the market, is it worth it to you to be hunting it down while there are other options of equal quality and easier availability? That is my point.
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