Which is the best oil analysis service?

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Sep 18, 2002
Which oil analysis service do you use and why should I choose one over the other?
We have two different oil analysis sponsors on here, Blackstone and Dyson Analysis, either one of these will serve you very well.
Where can I find out their charges and what tests they perform? Do they both to "TBN"?
Gebo - my next analysis (20K on Amsoil 5W-30 in wife's Volvo) - I' going to spend the big cash
and send samples to three labs, OAI, Blackstone and Dyson Analysis.

I hope the OAI subcontractor has their act together - It may be in February or so....

I will sample midstream on a dry day into clean, sterile beaker and quickly subdivide into the three sample containers.

When I get the results back I think it will be super interesting!!!

EDIT => Yes those labs should do a TBN - Prices? I'm interested in that too!

[ December 18, 2002, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: Pablo ]
I am not sure that it makes much difference what lab you use as it does that you use the smae lab for all smaple on a specific engine and that they inform you when their testing method has changed. Only with consistency in methods will you be able to analyze results. Even if one lab has screwball results as long as they are consistent you can work with that. Analysts Inc is reported to show lower TBN numbers then others but if you know that you can evaluate your sample.
So, to me, consistency in how the tests are performed is much more important then who is the most accurate or who has most up to date testing equipment.
I believe Blackstone charges $18.50 for their test, plus $10 for TBN. Terry Dyson charges $25 including TBN and his own interpretation.
Pablo, that should be an interesting test, and it'll be a good way to see how the different labs show TBN as well.
I don't have experience with the other labs, but I can tell you that Terry at Dyson Analysis offers top notch customer service!!
Another advantage Terry offers is a pro's level of consistency. He has the experience and knowledge to make up for potentially inconsistent lab work where amateurs like myself require data carrying large sticks.


Originally posted by Gebo:
Which oil analysis service do you use and why should I choose one over the other?

ANA Laboritories is my personal favorite FWIW.
10 bucks for all metals and additives,2 bucks for TBN,2 bucks for TAN if desired and they report possoble engine problems such as anti-freeze n the oil,air filter problems ect.

Schaeffers Labs is very fast in returning results and are a friendly bunch. I forget what they charge but it's not much
Holt in Dallas TX is a CAT Dealer has great service and the price is 10 or 11 bucks + you get TBN.
These are the only ones I have used so not saying there are not more out there that are good at what they do. All are self explanatory on the sheets they send back but if in doubt the members on the board here are very good at interpitation these days so all one has to do is post the analysis and bang! It will get put under the old microscope.Many mistakes has been caught by board members.
A perk of being a member of Bobistheoilguy's forum- free qualified interpitation or at the very least second opinions

Please don't forget board sponsor Blackstone Labs,looks like they interpit and even pick up the phone to call when something bad looks to be going on-Welcome Blackstone!
I've also heard good things about ANA labs. Their base fee includes online access to reports, no?

It'll be nice if Terry can work something out with them.

Originally posted by OneQuartLow:
I've also heard good things about ANA labs. Their base fee includes online access to reports, no?

It'll be nice if Terry can work something out with them.

Yes your customer number is you access ID on their" ANA " website which I understand will soon be reconstructed. It has a layout for trend analysis for multiple vehicles. They post it immediatley yet still mail you a paper copy,a neat thing if you are still running the oil sampled for example and a problem is detected by them you are then alerted ASAP via telephone if the sample is marked still in use,,saves the approximate week of snail mail delivery and can look into the problem,especially if it is a glycol problem.

[ December 18, 2002, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: dragboat ]
I'll interpret ANY labs analysis results on a "consumer" test for $10 each interpretation.

We just raised the price of our own kit to $35 each effective 12/13/02. I currently use HOLT CAT in Dallas as a contract Lab but they will be shutting down their operation soon, thus I have to get another contract. For those that just can't get a kit I'll provide something that is accurate and reasonable.

Been trying to get webpage updated here but I can't get Bobs attention .

Thanks all for the kind words.

[ December 18, 2002, 10:25 AM: Message edited by: Terry ]

Originally posted by Terry:
I'll interpret ANY labs analysis results on a "consumer" test for $10 each interpretation.

We just raised the price of our own kit to $35 each effective 12/13/02. I currently use HOLT CAT in Dallas as a contract Lab but they will be shutting down their operation soon, thus I have to get another contract. For those that just can't get a kit I'll provide something that is accurate and reasonable.

Been trying to get webpage updated here but I can't get Bobs attention .

Thanks all for the kind words.

That was a alarming post seeing that I have several of Holts kits left and am not quite ready to use them yet so I picked up the phone and called and spoke with Rob Jackson,,he said they had NO intentions of discontinuing the anaylisis service and had sent out over 250 kits just yesterday. He furthered that he himself interpits the analysis free of charge when the kits are bought directly from Holt by the consumer .

Just a post to clarify they are not discontinuing the anaylisis service per Rob,via telephone 12/18/02 at 10;05 AM Central time
which oil analysis company gives the best bang for the buck? are the prices listed..are the kits free? I'm interested in doing my first oil analysis on my next oil change. thanks for the info.
oops..I forgot I have another question.

I also plan on doing a transmission oil analysis too on redline D4. I still have a virgin sample of the oil too. to test the virgin oil with the used oil so I can compare. is that price includes virgin and used oil analysis? or is that extra? if you can tell, I'm a newbie.
Blackstone labs will send you a kit for free and the testing costs less than $20. I've used them once and they are fast and good service. Used or virgin analysis will cost the same. If you want a lower cost per sample try Ana Laboratories, I just ordered 10 kits from them for less than Blackstone (pay in advance). If you want expert interpretation of the results consider using Terry Dysan (one of the site sponsers).

Originally posted by Gebo:
How do I get in touch with ANA and Blackstone labs?

Go to the bottom of the forums and go to the Site Supporters. We have AvLube and Blackstone Labs and Schaeffers. also you can buy the kits from our two Amsoil Sponsors. Then Terry Dyson can interpet it. All are supporters of this site. I try to use our Site Supporters. This allows Bob to keep this site up and going. If you don't want to use our Site Supporters, how about a small donation to Bob to help keep this site going?

This is no offense to anyone who posted on ANA, but I don't see them offering to be a Sponsor on here, and until they are, I don't recommend them. This is my own opinion

[ December 18, 2002, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: 59 Vetteman ]
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