Which 7317 Fram ( or other sized filter ) for a 2.0 Honda commuter?

Oct 26, 2009
Balto, MD
When I got this commuter 2.0 civic last year ( I bought it new in 2024, I drive about 15k a year all highway ), I was going to use only OEM Honda filters. Today I decided that Im not... My local dealer sells them expensive and Id rather not get a fake one off line, thus my decision to get a Fram from Walmart.

My conundrum is, which 7317 Fram should I go with? I plan on running the oil based on the OLM. I do not plan on running it down to the bare minimum though, so around ~40% or so is when I would change it out. I would prefer to change the filter out every time, and not run one for two OCIs. Regardless, I know you guys know what filters works best and where, and I appreciate it.

Even the PH7317 is close to the A02 and good to the OLM suggestion.

Honda only wants you to change the filter every other OCI, so if the A02 can handle that, than even the cheapest PH7317 can handle it.
This is true, but say for a buck or two more and have better media, wouldnt that be worth it? If Im going to use a cheaper filter, Id use the OEM. If using aftermarket, Id like to get something a tad better honestly.
This is true, but say for a buck or two more and have better media, wouldnt that be worth it? If Im going to use a cheaper filter, Id use the OEM. If using aftermarket, Id like to get something a tad better honestly.

Then get the TG 😛

Even the orange can is better than the A02 at a much better price.
The TG is even better than the orange for about the same price as the A02.

The Ultra and Endurance are better still, but they're not worth it unless you actually plan on doing a double OCI on one filter like Honda wants you to :sneaky:
Premium Guard 4612EX from Rock Auto. Buy like 6-12 of them. $4.71 each plus whatever for shipping.

I'd also look at doing like 5k changes and maybe get a couple UOA's so you know where you are with whichever oil you choose. You can go up or down from there. If mostly highway it gets to temperature so should minimize fuel dilution concerns. I'd also just keep a book for your changes (and or reset trip B) so you know. Many things and messages are tied to the MM resets and might change some other things if you reset the oil one early. I just wait until it gets to 10-15% in my Honda's and reset it then. Oil changed at different schedule based on UOA's of those vehicles in their usage conditions.
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When I got this commuter 2.0 civic last year ( I bought it new in 2024, I drive about 15k a year all highway ), I was going to use only OEM Honda filters. Today I decided that Im not... My local dealer sells them expensive and Id rather not get a fake one off line, thus my decision to get a Fram from Walmart.

My conundrum is, which 7317 Fram should I go with? I plan on running the oil based on the OLM. I do not plan on running it down to the bare minimum though, so around ~40% or so is when I would change it out. I would prefer to change the filter out every time, and not run one for two OCIs. Regardless, I know you guys know what filters works best and where, and I appreciate it.

Walmart sell OE Honda filters, I don't know if they're priced any better than local dealership
Premium Guard 4612EX from Rock Auto. Buy like 6-12 of them. $4.71 each plus whatever for shipping.
Just ordered some of those a few weeks ago and will be using them on our Honda and Infiniti.

so around ~40% or so is when I would change it out
You'll be changing it around 6k miles. Don't overthink this - any Fram filter will handle that. Pffft, I've been using Supertech filters on our Honda which is 75% city driven.
Due to Frams recent quality control issues. Id use Car Quest Premium or Microgard select.
Could you give me a quick run down on whats going on? I did see some complaints about bad threads and or poorly drilled holes in the bottom plate leaving some metal there.

Looks like I will be using OEM at least for another OCI...
Just ordered some of those a few weeks ago and will be using them on our Honda and Infiniti.

You'll be changing it around 6k miles. Don't overthink this - any Fram filter will handle that. Pffft, I've been using Supertech filters on our Honda which is 75% city driven.
Im over 6k miles now and OLM says 60% still...
Could you give me a quick run down on whats going on? I did see some complaints about bad threads and or poorly drilled holes in the bottom plate leaving some metal there.

Looks like I will be using OEM at least for another OCI...
At first we thought it was just the Endurance. Now we have c&p’s show all models with the leak.



Im over 6k miles now and OLM says 60% still...
You'll easily do 10k based on the MM then, yeah ? Is that what you see previously too ? I still stand by what I said - don't overthink it. Any Fram is fine, even the PH line or splurge on the TG or FU (I quit using the FUs since I don't think they're necessary for 5-7k mile intervals. I was disappointed when Walmart dropped their MP line of filters but they must feel that the STs are suitable and aren't needed.
Premium Guard 4612EX from Rock Auto. Buy like 6-12 of them. $4.71 each plus whatever for shipping.

I'd also look at doing like 5k changes and maybe get a couple UOA's so you know where you are with whichever oil you choose. You can go up or down from there. If mostly highway it gets to temperature so should minimize fuel dilution concerns. I'd also just keep a book for your changes (and or reset trip B) so you know. Many things and messages are tied to the MM resets and might change some other things if you reset the oil one early. I just wait until it gets to 10-15% in my Honda's and reset it then. Oil changed at different schedule based on UOA's of those vehicles in their usage conditions.
Well the MM ties just tire changes and oil life and filters etc right? Maybe the CVT trans too?
Walmart sell OE Honda filters, I don't know if they're priced any better than local dealership
They're about the same, but Ive had a buddy grab me a few filters before from a dealer and they were around 5-6$? Who knows what they cost now... I might just stick with OEM. Too many choices for nothing much lol. Anything happens, its an OEM filter. What if we used the Fram and that metal caused an issue? Doubt they could prove it, but who knows.
They're about the same, but Ive had a buddy grab me a few filters before from a dealer and they were around 5-6$? Who knows what they cost now... I might just stick with OEM. Too many choices for nothing much lol. Anything happens, its an OEM filter. What if we used the Fram and that metal caused an issue? Doubt they could prove it, but who knows.
a reputable aftermarket part that meets or exceeds OE will not void warranty. There are many dealerships that sell online I purchased OE filters for less than my local dealer parts counter sold for. I know that fuzzy warm feeling of using OE 😇
Well the MM ties just tire changes and oil life and filters etc right? Maybe the CVT trans too?
Mine flags filters, rotations, brake fluid (by years), rear differential in Pilot, transmission. Not sure what else but probably timing belt if it has. Look at your manual for the codes of A/B and the numbers. You'll get notified for them by code/number
Well the MM ties just tire changes and oil life and filters etc right? Maybe the CVT trans too?
In my experience, yes, but it's only for "convenience". While oil life might be based loosely on miles, engine RPMs, oil temperature, etc, etc, tire rotations are pretty simple. Rotate them every "X" miles. So Honda just has to round up or down, i.e. rotate them early or a little late, so they're done at the same service. Same with transmission fluid, brake fluid, air filters, etc. It's not absolutely critical that they be changed on an absolute deadline.

a few filters before from a dealer and they were around 5-6$? Who knows what they cost now...
They're closer to 2x nowadays. I want to say the Honda filters at WM are a little cheaper if not the same price as at the dealer. Dealers typically include a crush washer, for what that's worth. WM is definitely more convenient too. Toyota dealers sell oil filters for $5-6 but they don't have any that cross-over to a 7317 size, to my knowledge.
I’ve got a 2008 Civic that takes the 7317. I’ve got a MicroGuard Select, P/N MSL57356, lined up for its next filter change. Seeing how great the line of PG made filters like MicroGuard Select or Car Quest Premium have looked in the C&P’s, I’ve decided to go with those. I think they are a great value. Seeing the bypass valve problems with the Fram's has made me feel even better about switching brands.
