I have only heard of it at Autozones in South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, California, Colorado and Indiana/Illinois as well as Walmarts in Canada. (At Autozone, you sometimes have to dig for it...e.g., last night, at the last of 4 Autozones I visited here in the Springs, I got a staffer to dig around on a pallet he was unloading and he found a case of the German stuff buried down inside. From what we know that makes 3 cases in 2 weeks for the Springs.) (If our members in other states are finding it [and I would expect, for example, that since Autozone's HQ is in Tennessee you would find it there] I don't recall seeing them post that info.)
If you do a search you will find threads that show the front and back sides of the bottle. It also must say Made in Germany on the lower left side of the back. It also must say that it meets ACEA A3 spec on the back of the bottle.
My question on this subject is if this product is here to stay or if it is a substitute while Castrol USA starts processing this new European Formula here?
Scott, that is the million $$$$$$ question. I hope we will keep getting the German stuff, not that we don't have the ability to produce it in the US, but would Castrol North America do so exactly according to the current or an improved formula? I have my concerns about the way Castrol does business
[ July 19, 2003, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: pscholte ]