To run as a 5 minute flush?
Or, are you looking to run something in your oil always?? Fill and forget!
So, maybe the Dexos that you're using isn't good enough. This is why some use Amsoil, HPL, Redline, RoyalPurple, RLI, Torco, MPT, Synmax.........
If you trust either GM, OLM, owners manual's recommendations, or Dexos, then you get what you get.
Wrap the line? Wasn't that GM's job? Send the turbo/manifold/piles for some Swaintech coatings. The question ... is the failure studied enough to determine a specific cause, or are 1.4T just guessing and blaming GM?
Did GM update this line? Might want to peruse bulletins and see if there is any improvement.
If you've adapted better oil change intervals, have any/all updated parts, and already use the best oil and filter that you can budget, running with full oil level checked often, and a well maintained full cooling system, might want to give it some Lubegard Biotech, STP Synthetic, HPL, AutoRx....
STP® Synthetic Oil Treatment combats petrol and diesel engine wear, deposits and oil consumption.
HPL Engine Cleaner is designed for those who wish to clean deposits in their engines left behind from commodity type lubricants that are designed to “meet the spec.” Engine Cleaner is specially formulated and fortified with detergents and dispersants providing safe cleaning in the engine. When...
Might even want to consider a pint of Rislone or MMO but, if using Dexos1 5w30, might need to use a 5w40 to maintain an acceptable running viscosity.