I have a 1984 Mercedes 300d and all 5 of the vacuum pods in the dash need there diaphragms replaced because all but one has developed a tear. I figured the 5th one is on its way out even if it still functions. I made this tool to take the pods apart. They come apart easily and the diaphragms can be replaced easily. Just for ****s and giggles I was thinking of ways to repair the cracked portion of rubber if we're in some 3rd world nation and had no other choice. I know super glue isn't flexible but it does bond to rubber really well. I used some to fill in the crack and the pod works great now although it's probably not the best long term fix. What types of glue would you use or what ideas do you have? The pics below are of the tool I made, the pod taken apart, and the fixed diaphragm.