What is your "under the mattress" firearm?

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If he gets by my alarm system and Max...a Beretta 92 FS on the night stand. No kids in the house.
Springfield XD-S 9mm, I've never shot a more perfect self defense pistol (for me).

It's in my top underwear drawer, not under my mattress.

If things go really south, I have my AR and my VR80 in my cabinet ~3 feet from my bed.

You guys might think that is overkill, but my house has evidence of multiple break in's in the way of broken door jams, etc. We also live in the middle of no-where with a main 4-lane highway on the side or our property. So far in our 3 years here, we have not had any trouble yet.
That's what I have sitting on my nightstand as well. My wife keeps her S&W Bodyguard .380 on hers.
Springfield XD-S 9mm, I've never shot a more perfect self defense pistol (for me).

It's in my top underwear drawer, not under my mattress.

If things go really south, I have my AR and my VR80 in my cabinet ~3 feet from my bed.

You guys might think that is overkill, but my house has evidence of multiple break in's in the way of broken door jams, etc. We also live in the middle of no-where with a main 4-lane highway on the side or our property. So far in our 3 years here, we have not had any trouble yet.
Have to second the Springfield Armory HD series. With the safety built into the grip- it is always at the ready if a round is in the chamber and one is holding properly. Of course- a revolver is super simple and super safe for nighttime action while groggy in bed.....
Usually a 1911 in .45 on the nightstand, rarely something in plastic in 9mm. I am keenly aware I will likely never need it. I am also keenly aware if I do I will be extremely glad it's there, seconds count.
No guns on my night stands or in direct reach. Having had the occasional dreamscape gun fight means I don't want something in reach while I'm asleep.
Guns are all in the basement safe here. How many of you have had to use one during a break in?
Those that have are dead bc they had their guns out of reach. But seriously. First make your house almost burgler proof. You know your house best. Look at every possible window or door they could get in. Add a layer of protection to the ones you can.

But ultimately it could come done to using the firearm. "I was attacked, feared for my life and had to defend myself. I will cooporate 100% but first need my attorney" (Don't talk further without your attorney present)
12ga standing between the bed and bookshelf. About 18 inches from my ear. Just the wife and I, so not too worried about over-penetration...loaded with OO-Buck.
I bought a S&W Shield in 9mm last summer from my daughters B.F. Got the lightly used (very lightly) 4 yr old gun, 100 rounds, a soft case, and 2 unused holsters for $300. I think that was a great deal! Anyway.....
A couple weeks ago, I heard some noise in the wee hours while lying awake, and it got me thinking. I have that 9mm under the mattress, and I have taken it out and shot it a few times, but, in the dark, in a stressful situation, I'm not sure that I could find the right button to chamber a round, and get the safety off in a timely manner. So, I got the old Ruger single six in 22 mag and put it in the 9mm place. With the Ruger, all I gotta do is, pull it out of the holster, pull the hammer back and POW!!! If needed. :cool:
Depends really. Suppressed SBR M4 or SBS. If it's outside, it's definitely the SBR, indoors, flip a coin if I have earpro handy.
rossi 3” barrel, 5 shot, 38sp revolver, essentially a s&w j frame knockoff. it works just as well as a more expensive piece. if i ever had to use it i expect it to end up in a police evidence locker, which is why my bedside gun is just a rossi.
.380 semi and a big aggressive dog as an early warning system and first line of defence.
Dog attacks and slows them down so I can get a good sight picture.
At least thats what I hope.
I really hope the big bad dog scares them away.
I have a Glock 19 in a bedside holster by RM holsters. I've used it for years and it works very well. It is between the bed and the night stand and so it's not visible and I also have an extra pillow propped up against the night stand. Here is the link. Scroll part way down the page to see it.
Products (rmholsters.com)
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