What is up the the leaky Castrol GC bottles

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Jul 17, 2003
New York
Was at the local shop picking up windshield washer fluid......Maybe it's just me but the GC always seems to have leaky bottle tops. It's the only oil brand/model that seems to always have a little oil leakage from the caps
Chalk it up to overexhuberance...it just can't wait to get out of the bottle and into your motor!
(Now isn't that what you want...a motor oil with attitude?)
I don't know whether it's related, but in my area the Wal*Marts have this problem and it transcends brands. I caught a coulple of pre-pubescent boys working their way down the aisle of the oil shelves carefully loosening the bottle caps randomly just enough to make a mess if the bottles were handled carelessly. Ain't youth wonderful?... Too bad it's wasted on the young.
On the same line of thought......
Would you purchase with confidence a 4lt jug of M1 Delvac1 5W40 with the seal broken and slighly open, with the evidence of oil on the jug, as I have seen in my local Wallyworld..?
Call me paranoid
.. but what are the chances that someone switched the oil...


Originally posted by 2K2AcuraTL:
On the same line of thought......
Would you purchase with confidence a 4lt jug of M1 Delvac1 5W40 with the seal broken and slighly open, with the evidence of oil on the jug, as I have seen in my local Wallyworld..?
Call me paranoid
.. but what are the chances that someone switched the oil...


I think this may have something to do with the latest Fram being in a can (people switch them in the boxes). Some of the jugs now have a metallic safety seal inside.
That is funny about the Fram filter. People are swapping the orange Fram filter into the super tech box and getting the lower price and a piece of junk filter. Justice is being served
Thanks pinoy99..
to clarify what I said above... the metalic seal was open by about 25% and flapping about..
It just didnt seem ok to purchase the most expensive oil the shelf (at that store) with evidence it could have been tampered with.
But hey... Thats just me...
Seems to only happen to bottles with those lare openings, even though I never had it on Amsoil bottles. Also GC bottle caps are very loose. try once, you can tighten them quite a bit
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