what is TBN?

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Nov 9, 2003
Sydney Au
and why is this important in oils?

how much TBN should ure oil have?

should this show up in a UAO report, coz the report i got doesnt seem to show it, is it referred to as a different name?
TBN is Total Base Number.

It's a measure of alkaline reserve, basically how well the oil will fight acidic contamination.

Usually a TBN value is an extra charge. You may not have gotten it with a standard report if you didn't ask for it.

Look for reserve alkalinity or similar wording, maybe.
the quantity of acid, expressed in terms of the equivalent number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide that is required to neutralize all basic constituents present in 1 gram of sample. (ASTM Designation D 974.)
It will generaly not appear on an oil analysis basic test. You must choose it individually or in a test package that includes it. As for how much you need that is a matter of opinion. I feel it is more important in diesels than Gas engines. The oil I use currently starts at a TBN of 14 I go about 5000 miles and will finish out at around 10 tbn.

Originally posted by Lawrence Richards:
The oil I use currently starts at a TBN of 14 I go about 5000 miles and will finish out at around 10 tbn.

What oil are you using that has a TBN of 14?
Originally posted by StiMan:
[QB] and why is this important in oils?
I think it is a basis for consideration on oil change... it shows the reserve of the acid fighting ability of the oil... IMO.

how much TBN should ure oil have?
End or start. They are all different.
Some start out high and drop fast and others start low and drop slow. Mine starts out at around 15-16+- but that's in the virgin state, and another measurement than on UOA's in general... IMO, I believe you need to have a RESERVE of 4, however in my own personal applications I am not happy with anything under 7, so in my own standards I consider 6 a bad number, but for the boards sake I'll agree with 4.

should this show up in a UAO report, coz the report i got doesnt seem to show it, is it referred to as a different name?
Some do and some don't.
Dont be too worried about it unless you are
Paying for it because it is tricky to do. The numbers have a larger margin of error than the board here realizes.... JUST WATCH WEAR.
There have been no tests to my understanding that have ever proven even if the TBN is run down to ZERO, that WEAR will increase... ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS watch the wear, this is the biggie!
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