[steps on soapbox]
CARB has two contradictory mandates. The first, the ostensible one, is to formulate rules and regulations that protect air quality in California. The second, the hidden one, is to increase it's power and budget. All government agencies operate under the 2nd mandate.
CARB has discovered that the more that air pollution is perceived to be a problem by Californians, the more money and power they are given--hence the contradictory mandates. If CARB actually solved the air pollution problem in California, they would cease to exist. Once you understand this inherent conflict of interest, their policies start to make sense.
CARB pursues the two mandates by attacking the air pollution problem where it doesn't exist. We have oxygenated gasoline that doesn't help air pollution, we have increasingly strict regulations on new cars that are already clean running. We have a whole host of expensive, non-sensical regulations that not only don't reduce air pollution, but actually increase it.
Meanwhile, the main cause of air pollution, the stinking beaters, go unchecked. We have air pollution laws governing the gross polluters (that emit 1000 times, or more, the pollutants of a new vehicle) that say this essentially: "You must maintain your vehicle's engine in operable condition unless it is old, or unless you are poor." Since most of the beaters are old and/or owned by "poor" people, their owners have carte blanche to poison everyone else.
The best thing we could do to clean the air in CA is to get rid of CARB, and all their phony rules and regulations, and impose strictly-enforced, no- exceptions rules that get these beatermobiles off the roads.
[/steps off soapbox]