Interesting since the ZX-14 has more HP and torque.
More PEAK hp. From approx. 8500 RPM to redline. I've ridden the ZX-14R extensively, even considered buying one, which would have been over 2k cheaper. My cousin and I have swapped bikes to compare the two back-to-back, we both reached the same conclusion. In the low-end and mid-range, the Suzuki has more grunt.
I think Suzuki downplayed the performance aspect, likely for insurance reasons, and to avoid too much attention from the safety nazi's. The ZX-14R feels like a lighter Concours, while the 'Busa feels like a heavier GSXR1k. I prefer the sportier handling of the 'Busa. I also like the full suite of electronics, and cruise control.
So that's my take. Ultimately it's personal choice, and both can be made faster. Although the 'Busa is much easier to build, and has far more aftermarket support to make it whatever you want. From sport-tourer, to Dragbike, to Land Speed Racing.
Both stock bikes are far slower than my bored and stroked 1st gen 'Busa. It has no rider aids of any kind, and will hurt the ham-fisted.