I just did a translation on the color of SLX LongTec from a Safety Data Sheet that Patman sent me...it is....are your ready....are you SURE?...amber yellow, which without much of a stretch, could be described as GOLD, that gorgeous color so effectively captured by "The Stinker" (Stinky P, don't kill me for that, it was just too good a name not to use). In and of itself that is not "a lock," but when you add the similarities between the VOA that Quattro Pete did on SLX LongTec AND the one on Gold GC that Stinky Peterson did, well the "coincidence" is getting awfully strong. Folks if that is what we are getting, then we are getting an oil with the following:
l SAE 0W-30 l GM-LL-A-025, GM-LL-B-025
l API SL/CF l VW 503 01
l ACEA A3/B3/B4 l VW 502 00
l MB 229.3, 229.5 l VW 505 00
Viskosität bei 100°C mm²/s 12,2
Viskosität bei 40°C mm²/s 72
Viskositätsindex 1 167
CCS bei -35°C mPas 5800
As I have told you all before...I'm buying!
l SAE 0W-30 l GM-LL-A-025, GM-LL-B-025
l API SL/CF l VW 503 01
l ACEA A3/B3/B4 l VW 502 00
l MB 229.3, 229.5 l VW 505 00
Viskosität bei 100°C mm²/s 12,2
Viskosität bei 40°C mm²/s 72
Viskositätsindex 1 167
CCS bei -35°C mPas 5800
As I have told you all before...I'm buying!