Warship Combat System Dumb Question

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Jan 9, 2009
Does anybody know what the masks the operators are wearing at around 1:20 are for? I couldn't come up with Google search terms to even get close to finding an answer on my own.
Nomex/kevlar hoods, gloves,etc. We used the same thing when opening up boiler doors and furnaces for inspection/cleaning on line. I'm sure fire fighters do the same thing along with a full face/impact resistant respirator. Having those hoods is fine. But you still need the eye protection or you wouldn't be very useful operating the CCS when blind.
My guess would be that they don't wear that normally while operating the systems but they were training for when they need it. Kind of like when I had to wear MOPP (chemical warfare) gear while working on airplanes in the USAF.
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