I've been lamenting for the past several months that I've been having a hard time finding the Chevron-based Havoline 5-30 and 10-30 dino in my neck of the woods; I used to find it at Wally World and Target everyday for under $1.20/ea. Now Target does not stock Havoline and is predominately Pennzoil, and a couple months ago had a great sale for it at under $1.00/qt. They now sell for $1.60+. Seems really hard to find Chevron/Havoline around here anymore, unless I wanna pay $1.7+.
I got lucky this past weekend and found a very limited supply of my Havoline at Wally World for $1.17,
but I also noticed the 5 qt. jug of Pennzoil for something just under $6.50 (can't remember exact price). That's very good for what appeared to be an everyday price. I will tend to use the Chevron-based Havoline when I can find it, but my fall back is Pennzoil, so hope it continues to be cost competitive.
I got lucky this past weekend and found a very limited supply of my Havoline at Wally World for $1.17,