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Well you’re going to get one or the other, maybe ask your successful neighbor and vote how they do?

Inaction is condoning the current conditions, no matter what situation you find yourself in.
Actually the act of voting validates the current system. Ask yourself why the the majority of the states do not have ranked choice voting? Why don't they require a minimum turnout for an election to be consider valid? Why insist on the duopoly (two-party system)?

It's all about the campaign contributions (ie control of the cookie jar and voting the party line regardless. Besides, it's staff members which actually write the majority of the legislation. The Senator/Representative spends most of their time raising $$.

Edit: I'm also not thrilled with the current SOP of elections are legitimate if we win and illegitimate if we lose. A bunch of Jerry's kids.
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Wonder what would happen if everyone stopped participating in this clown show?🤔
Wasn’t there some clause about minimum voter participation or such?

Unfortunately no. This is why pundits says midterm elections being out the most extreme party voters and consequently they have an outsized influence on policy.
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