Volvo iShift Transmission Oil - The Saga

Dec 13, 2024
Hi. Long time lurker. This is my first thread starting post.

Preface > I took the time to document and post this information with the hopes that some other bloke will save from having to spend countless hours doing the same research or pay through the nose for the Volvo branded oil from the dealer AND, most importantly, does not put the wrong fluid in the iShift.

I spend way too much time recently trying to find an alternative to paying ~500$ US for a 5 gallon pail of Volvo branded iShift Transmission fluid. I have a 2020 Volvo VNL 860 for reference with ~480K miles. I eventually got to the point, like a dog on a bone, that I wasn't going to stop investigating until I found the answer I was looking or exhausted any and all alternatives.

Sorry this will be a long post and waaayyy in the weeds for some readers. I embedded a few links to other web sites for reference. Consider this posting > War and Peace and iShift Oil :ROFLMAO:

In case you just want the Cliffs Notes version of the Readers Digest version...
Volvo is implying that using a GL-5 75w90 transmission fluid may suffice. It also seems that if you can use 97319 (75w90) fluid in all iShifts built 2015 or later. If you have a 2010-2014 with the radiator mounted oil cooler where then you should us 97318 (75w80). All the other mumbo-jumbo with approved alternative brands is just a way for Volvo to have a way-out to void a warranty. It also seems that there is really only one fluid that is somewhat obtainable in the US, other than the Volvo branded 97319 from the dealer, and is approved by Volvo, which is Mobil Delvac 1 Transmission Fluid V50 item/part number 126005. Mobil makes the Volvo branded 97319. Ergo, you are getting the exact same fluid with the V50 as you are with the 97319.

Now to dig into the overgrown cow witch vines, morning glories and dog fennels (those are bastard weeds, in case you are wondering) for your reading entertainment. :). Grab a cup of coffee. This will be a long read.

There are several alternative fluids that can be used for Volvo iShift transmissions, but are nearly un-obtainable to the individual consumer. Here is what my research has found. A few FYIs just in case others may view this post and are also looking for a quasi-one page synopsis.

FYI - 1
Volvo iShift and Mack mDrive are the exact same transmissions. Both are automated manual transmissions. There is a clutch actuator that does the gear shifting and the truck computer tells the trans when to shift...unless you have the seat or dash gear selector in manual mode. Hence, these are not automatic transmissions but rather automated. They are manual (gear driven) not torque converter transmissions.

FYI -2
For 2017-2020 model years, Volvo recommends changing the transmission fluid and filter at 500K miles for normal and heavy duty applications and 250K miles for severe applications.

FYI - 3
For 2017-2020 year models the recommended oil is Volvo Transmission Oil 97319. It take almost 5 gallons to do a fluid change. This fluid is over 500$ US for a 5 gallon pail at the dealer and about 100$ US per gallon. Yeah...outrageous pricing.

Here is a snippet from the Volvo Genuine iShift Transmission Fluid Product brochure
Volvo I-Shift Transmission Fluid 75W-90 (97315, 97319) is a high-performance transmission oil designed for automated manual transmissions and extending drain intervals. Can be used in all overdrive I-Shift transmissions and severe applications. In automated manual transmissions in applications considered normal or heavy, the 75W-80version can also be used.

FYI - 4
Other model year Service Maintenance pdfs. I listed the transmission fluid recommendations for reference and quick view.
FYI - 5
The fluid is manufactured by Exxon-Mobil and rebranded to Volvo/Mack packaging. The Exxon-Mobil labeled product is:
Mobil Delvac 1 Transmission Fluid V50. This fluid is API GL-4 and 75w90

Here is a snippet from the product data sheet
Mobil Delvac™ 1 Transmission Fluid V50 is a fully synthetic, heavy duty manual transmission lubricant engineered to meet demanding requirements. Recommended by ExxonMobil for year-round lubrication of manual transmissions requiring Volvo 97315 or Volvo 97319 type oils (refer to owner's manual recommendation) for on-highway commercial medium and heavy duty trucking, including vocational applications, heavy load hauling, and frequent PTO usage.

FYI - 6
Volvo released a Tech Bulletin in 2014 which lists alternative transmission fluids that can be used in lieu of the Volvo Branded fluid. If you get into the weeds on this bulletin you will see that there are only six fluids that are approved for extended service (500k interval changes). There are 25 fluids that are approved for normal service (250k mile) changes.

FYI - 7
Prior to 2017 Volvo had a different recommended transmission fluid. This was Volvo Transmission Fluid 97318. This fluid was also manufactured by Exxon-Mobil and repackaged. The differences are:

Fluid 97318 is 75w80
Use in all automated manual I-Shift transmissions and older VT-type gearboxes. NOTE: not to be used in overdrive transmissions (ATO) for which the higher viscosity version (75W-90) must be used.

Fluid 97319 is 75w90 and made for iShift with ATO (overdrive).

Now down the rabbit hole...
There are many alternative fluids listed in the tech bulletin, but most fluids are not obtainable in the US. Fluids that may be obtainable in the US are available to a oil distributor only and not sold to the individual consumer in a small quantity (5 gallon pail). Searching the interweb for any/all of these alternative fluids leads to hours of reading, web sites that points to a oil jobber/distrubutor, some corporate switch board, worthless redirects to lesser fluids, etc.

I finally found on Amazon, what I thought was the correct fluid. IT IS NOT!!! PLEASE DO NOT get these fluids for you iShift. I messaged the Amazon sellers and got a response.

This Amazon listing is for > Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear Oil 75W-90 - 38 lb. pail
is Mobil item/part number 122047
My research then found that...
This meets the Volvo fluid 97312 specs plus a ton more and is API GL-5. However, I do not see that this fluid is approved or spec-ed for Volvo Fluid 97315, 97319 or even 97318. This oil is NOT recommended for applications requiring API GL-4 level performance. It is NOT intended for automatic, manual or semiautomatic transmissions for which engine oil or automatic transmission fluids are recommended. Hence, this fluid is not approved/spec-ed for use in iShift.

This Amazon listing is for > Mobil Delvac Synthetic Transmission Fluid 50 - 35 lb. pail
is Mobil item/part number 122207
My research then found that...
This does not meet any Volvo fluid spec, that I could find, and is API MT-1. Additionally this fluid NOT suitable for hypoid gear applications in differentials and final drives, either for topping off or refills, where API service GL-5, MIL-PRF-2105E or SAE J2360 lubricants are specified. Hence, this fluid is definitely NOT for use in iShift and NOT recommended for Volvo/Meritor rear differential (rear axle). Meritor rear ends on Volvo truck must meet SAE J2360 spec. This fluid does NOT meet the spec.

Ergo, there is something different or special with the (Volvo 97319) Mobil V50 type vs the regular 50 type or regular 75w90 type.

I read somewhere and did not save the link (sorry), that the ATO (automated transmission overdrive) on the newer iShift has a different oil cooler than the older versions. Beginning 2015 the transmission oil cooler was redesigned/moved. Volvo recommends using 75w90 in the 2015-newer transmissions as to have a bit thicker fluid to dissipate the heat better and make the ATO a bit more efficient.

To make things even more head-pounding confusing is the aforementioned tech bulletin states that the original fluid used at the factory meets Volvo STD 1273, 18 which is Volvo fluid 97318. Yet, you can use fluids meeting Volvo STD 1273, 19 which is Volvo fluid 97319. The way I interpret this tid-bit is that if your iShift is supposed to use 97318 fluid and you can't get 97318 then you can use 97319 fluid. So, does this mean that the older iShifts and/or non-ATO can use the same fluid at the newer iShifts / ATO? I dunno.

It gets better...
The bulletin also states: for service fill use 75w80. So, does this mean that the newer iShifts / ATO can use 75w80 and not the specifically recommended 75w90? I still dunno.

Long way to say another dead end. BUT The saga continues...

I finally decided to call Mobil Oil directly. I got the part/item number 120665 for Mobil Delvac 1 Transmission Fluid V50. You may recall from chapter 2 of this novel, that Mobile V50 is the exact same oil as Volvo branded 97319. Mobil manufactures the oil and packages with a Volvo label. I poked around the interweb more and found that a few distributors could get the fluid but needed two weeks to do so. Plus the price is all over the place, with as much as 150$ difference in price.

For this minute, this is my best lead. EVO Lube Supply from Cedar Hill MO. I called them and am expecting a call back with the turn-around time, availability and cost.

Mr. Subjective Says...
Unless I am interpreting the tech bulletin and all other info incorrectly, it seems that Volvo is saying that you can use 97319 (75w90) fluid in all iShifts built 2015 or later. If you have a 2010-2014 with the radiator mounted oil cooler where then you should us 97318 (75w80). All the other mumbo-jumbo with approved alternative brands is just a way for Volvo to have a way-out to void a warranty.

However...the little voice in the back of my mind keeps telling me to get the fluid that is "approved" for use and not an off brand GL-4 75w90 which can be purchased from Amazon and most any auto parts store for 150$ US for 5 gallons.

IMO...and all it is >> my opinion, the approved listing of fluids just may be a wee bit better quality and give better service in the end. The way I look at it, If I have to, I would spend (but would not be happy about it) the 500$ for a pail of Volvo branded transmission fluid from the dealer IF using that fluid prevents a transmission related issue going forward. Kinda like the old Fram commercials...Pay me now or pay me later. If I can get the verified Mobil fluid for ~250$ US then that is I the way I am going. If not, then I will dish out the 500$ to Sir Volvo. 250$ extra for the Volvo fluid isn't going to make or break me and may prevent a 10K$ transmission repair for using the "wrong" fluid.

I hope some of this info helps others. I will edit this post or add a post as things develop.:ROFLMAO:
All the majors have Driftshift fluids now.

You can probably get Citgo Driveshift transmission fluid for under $200 a pail or less from your local Citgo distributor. Or Chevron Delo Syn Trans XV.

I would avoid Evo Lubricants supply. They list many products as “in stock” on their website that quite literally haven’t existed in a decade. As well, they’re simply a digital company.

Pick your favorite brand and find your local oil distributor for that brand. You will save money and support local. Get a sales rep and you can probably get it delivered to you for free.
Thanks for the tip on EVO Lubricants. Based on your recommendation, I did a bit more research. I found Citgo Citgard DriveShift Transmission Fluid from a distributor about 30 miles away from my location. They didn't stock the fluid but ordered it with a ~2 week turn-around time. Cost is 205$US plus tax per 5 gallon pail.

In case others reading this post are interested. Here is the product info on DriveShift fluid. You can see from the information this fluid is spec-ed for most all automated semi-truck transmissions and especially for all the Volvo branded transmission fluids:

CITGO CITGARD DriveShift Synthetic Transmission Fluid meets the requirements of API GL-4 andMT-1 and is suitable for use in the following applications:
Volvo 1273.05 (97305)
Volvo 1273.07 (97307)
Volvo 1273.15 (97315)
Volvo 1273.18 (97318)
Volvo 1273.19 (97319)

FYI to others that may find themselves in a similar quagmire to find any particular oil/fluid you need for your truck (other than getting it from the dealer...
IMO, it depends on which distrubutor you call, how willing the person on the phone is to help out and product availability. DO NOT just settle for "I think that should be ok" mentality. The truck specs recommend/require specific fluids and "good enough" is not what you should strive for. Yes, it takes some time, research and phone calls. A couple hours of time can save you several hundered dollars on truck PMs (preventative maintence).

One Citgo distributor I called, tried top convince me that Citgo MTF fluid is what I needed. Ahh...nope. Not spec-ed for Volvo 1273.19 (97319). He wasn't willing to do any legwork to find/order the DriveShift fluid. He had plenty of MTF in stock, so that I what he wanted to sell me.
I called another Citco distributor, Dilmar, in Goldsboro NC. The nice lady that answered the phone took the time to look up the fluid, make sure they could get it (not on backorder), give the the cost, availability, confirmed that it was indeed DriveShift fluid (per Material Code number) and get it ordered.

I hope this saga and information helps others out in their quest for the iShift fluid. Good Luck to all.