Venezuela Arrests US Chevron Employees for Treason

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Let me make these following simple points clear...

I was on the verge of going to sleep when I typed that. Don't play your little game putting "feelings" onto someone you don't know truly at all. I went to sleep easily after typing that.

No one nation is perfect. The one I'm in is without question certainly NOT as well. Zero doubt in that. No question.

This world needs people willing to do what is necessary to restore some semblance of justice and humanity at times. And if that means by measures you don't care for... Ohh well.

You have that right to be a self righteous pompous, arrogant, small minded individual because others do what has to be done.

If you lacked the ability to understand where that was all going... There's nothing I nor anyone else could do to help you. It should have been exceptionally clear.

The place I'm in did what we did in regards to using rather harsh interview methods after events from the eleventh of September. It was what needed to be done. Good, bad or indifferent. To finally take down those who planned that terrible day.

Again... You go hold hands with the evil people behind those style and type of events. Go ahead. They need you all right. Worry about their supposed "rights".
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Just in case you may not remember.... We gave money and support to Bin Laden in Afghanistan in the 1980s while they were fighting the USSR. Many Saudi Nationals including Bin Laden went to fight in that theater. Those people who were called the Mujahideen fought against the Soviet Union.

Was that a mistake?? Certainly could be seen as one.

Today's Mujahideen can become tomorrow's international terror network.
Look... I believe that this nation I live in has certainly made mistakes. Which would take a very, very, very, long time in pointing them all out.

I obviously don't believe that doing what we did after what happened on nine eleven I believe was one of them.

And I'm sorry. If we have to do something far, far, far out of what is considered good or normal behavior to do what we had to do to protect you, your family, and or my family or other people's families... I say do it.

I will say that I do believe that you are a good,good man. And I do mean that honestly and sincerely.

We just disagree about these types of circumstances.

I would want whatever was needed to be done to protect or provide a semblance of justice for you and your family if something terrible happened.

I see the shared humanity amongst the overwhelming majority of us all.

I also see the darkest nature of what some of humanity can do and has done.

I try my best to treat others in this world like they are my own. In the hospital I treated everyone like they were my mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister or brother. I just have seen the terrible suffering of others as a result of others who are just acting without any regard at all.

And those individuals just don't get much thought or regard from my way of thinking. I am sorry but that is the way I see it. I am also sorry for giving you a hard time here.
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