valvoline maxlife AFT anygood?

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Nov 28, 2005
San Francisco, Ca
Hi i have a honda passport auto with 90K on it. I been using valvoline durablend ATF for the past 30k, it's okay i guess, but nothing really much to compare to. So i am wondering if i should switch to maxlife or just stick with durablend, or mecron V. I found a lot of information about maxlife motor oil, and it seem to be a pretty good oil, but maxlife ATF didnt get that good of reviews from some of you, so i am just wondering if i should even touch maxlife ATF? I do not want to get full synthetic, becuase i am going to do regular 30k fluid change. One last question, are maxlife or durablend better than regular ATF, do i get any advantage using a blend or maxlife?
Thank you all
Stick with the MerconV/durablend or whatever the pretty blue bottle is called these days.

I don't care for maxlife(unless used in trannies that are leaking or experiencing issues).
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