I was talking with a friend of mine who said that used oil analysis cannot tell you how your engine is wearing. He claimed the only way to tell how an engine is wearing is by tear down (true) and compression testing. He didn't believe that used oil analysis is a good measure of how an oil is protecting the engine. He does believe that it tells the state of the oil but not the wear of the engine. So, do the majority of you feel UOA's are beneficial? Obviously many on here pay to have them done so I assume you do. Dave from Redline also stated that UOA's don't show if one oil is better then another which should really make all of us think if it's worth it or not to have them done.
This is from BITOG glossary
[ November 14, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
This is from BITOG glossary
I personally think for $30, it's a good effective way of monitoring trends in wear. Obviously if you take one sample and your oil reads 80ppm of Fe vs 30ppm with another brand or engine cleaning, oil analysis is valuable. Do race teams use analysis or do they strictly do tear downs?quote:
Oil analysis works like this. Oil that has been inside any moving mechanical apparatus for a period of time reflects the exact condition of that assembly. Oil is in contact with engine or mechanical components as wear metallic trace particles enter the oil. These particles are so small they remain in suspension. Many products of the combustion process also will become trapped in the circulating oil. The oil becomes a working history of the machine.
[ November 14, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: buster ]