Tutankhamun's Curse is suspected to be radon gas.

Owen Lucas

$100 Site Donor 2023
Sep 5, 2021
The curse that caused many of the archaeologists to die when Tutankhamun's tomb was opened in 1922 is likely from radon poisoning.

"A survey of modern-era field Egyptologists reveals a very high incidence of unusual deaths consistent with symptoms of haematopoietic cancer, a scenario that parallels radiation sickness caused by exposure to abnormally high radiation previously reported in ancient tombs. However, the high radiation in tombs is not explained by the ‘natural’ background, which is rare in limestone bedrock. Here, re-examination of Egyptian funerary literature reveals reference to saffron cake in portions of 2-3-5 (yellowcakeU-235), giving power by means of an invisible ‘efflux’, and leaving a legacy of hazardous‘excrements’ (wastes) which were buried in an underground ‘tomb’ called the per D’jet(house of millions of years). The ancient curse warned that those who break this tombshall meet death by a disease that no doctor can diagnose."

How did the Egyptians get ahold of U-235 if it isn't commonly found in limestone or other areas?
Uranium ore is found in Africa and I suppose it's possible someone found a way to leech it out using an acid but of course the question is why.

Perhaps it's just another mystery lost in the Library of Alexandria.
How did the Egyptians get ahold of U-235 if it isn't commonly found in limestone or other areas?
U-235 is about 0.5% of naturally occurring Uranium. U-238 is, by far, the most common isotope.

Doubt the Egyptians were able to perform any Uranium enrichment. That didn’t happen until the Manhattan Project and took gaseous diffusion of Uranium Hexafloride or massive cyclotrons. Not really Egyptian tech…

So, it was U-238 in the “yellowcake” and that calls into question the scientific accuracy of the whole line of speculation.
U-235 is about 0.5% of naturally occurring Uranium. U-238 is, by far, the most common isotope.

Doubt the Egyptians were able to perform any Uranium enrichment. That didn’t happen until the Manhattan Project and took gaseous diffusion of Uranium Hexafloride or massive cyclotrons. Not really Egyptian tech…

So, it was U-238 in the “yellowcake” and that calls into question the scientific accuracy of the whole line of speculation.
Exactly this.

And yellowcake isn't U235, it's just a concentrated uranium extract produced from mined material (using acid leaching for example) or ISL. It's a combination of various compounds that is the feedstock for either CANDU fuel (natural uranium fuel) or processed into uranium hexafluoride, which is fed into a gas centrifuge cascade to achieve a 5% U235 enrichment level for PWR/BWR fuel.

Radon is naturally occurring as a result of the decay of U238. However, Radon and its daughter products are short lived, so it would not be possible for it to build-up to levels that cause radiation poisoning. The main risk is lung cancer due to chronic exposure (the unventilated basement example).

This whole thing reads like magical woo from somebody that doesn't understand the subject.
The radon produced by U235 is Rn219, which has a much shorter half-life than Rn222 from U238: approximately 4 seconds vs. 4 days. The completion of the rest of the chain from Rn219 to a stable isotope of Pb has a maximum half life of less than an hour. Because of this, Rn219 is less likely to mobilize through the environment and be inhaled by someone than the well-known Rn222. So when preparing a poison, natural uranium would work fine if not better.

I thought everyone knew that space aliens taught nuclear science to the ancient Egyptians.
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The fact is, there were zero deaths directly associated with the opening of Tut's tomb. The closest death directly connected to the opening of the tomb would be the canary eaten by a cobra the next day.

If radon had been a factor, like Marie Curie they would have died of cancer. As others have pointed out, radon has a short half life so over 3,000 years later almost no radioactivity would have been present.

Or, was it Uranium 235 left behind by the aliens who built the pyramids? Maybe it would be best to go back to arguing over how bad the OCOD is or whether synthetic oil ever needs to be changed.
Welp, I fell for a paper from what appeared to be a legitimate source:

"Of the SSE and its journal, it has been said that "Pretty much anything that might have shown up on The X-Files or in the National Enquirer shows up first here. But what also shows up is a surprising attitude of skepticism."[1]"

"The society's scientific journal, the Journal of Scientific Exploration, was established to provide a scientific forum for ufology, parapsychology, and cryptozoology, publishing research articles, essays, book reviews, and letters on those and many other topics that are largely ignored in mainstream journals."

I was hoping there would be some radiological surveys of the tomb, or evidence of "saffron cake" and an explanation where it went or how it came to be.

Looks like the author didn't do any research and just regurgitated ideas from other source and put it together into a nice pdf lol.
Wonder what unknown substance will bring us down? Plastics, drugs, pharmaceuticals?
Here's three good guesses (2024).....
1) All our USA nuclear plants attacked from within (at the same time)
2) Suitcase thermonuclear weaponry
3) Space-based anti-satellite nuclear deployment ....
.... (shuts down virtually everything - including no sunlight upon the earth that portrays the earth's nighttime as pitch black for at least three nights). Eventually nothing moves by land, sea or air, unless operated by US Government. Even then, all generated powers-to-be will slowly fail.
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How did the Egyptians get ahold of U-235 if it isn't commonly found in limestone or other areas?
It is amazing how ancient civilizations dealt with some pretty nasty stuff. The Romans adding lead to wine, Egyptians messing with radioactive material.

Wonder what unknown substance will bring us down? Plastics, drugs, pharmaceuticals?

It is not unknown. Other humans will bring us down.