Turtle Wax - Extreme clnr/wax

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Jan 15, 2005
finally had a glorious spring day +15C. had to get out & shine up the car.
washed the car w/Dawn dishwashing soap. couple of good rinses & drying. have read it on another Forum, wanted to try the theory of layering waxes over sealents.

First some Nufinish paste - yes this stuff does go on/off easy. not much (if any) cleaner/polish element in its formula, left a somewhat hazy finish unless rebuffed with second clean towel.

Next step, had picked up some Turtle Wax - Extreme clnr/wax on sale last fall, didn't get a chance to use it till now. don't know if this is a carnuba based product, but says it contains "Trilicon'. and is safe for clear coats.
while it does go on easy, I applied it as a cleaner - slightly aggressivly. to it's credit it did remove some light swirling & small tar spots. did not do much for a minor scratch though - seemed more as a 'fill in'. product did remove nicely too, no hazing like the first product. nicer depth/shine than the nufinish also. went for a drive yesterday evg, yes our roads do have grit & sand winter leftovers till the city sweeps it up in another month or so. this morning went to the garage - it's covered in DUST! AAHHH! this stuff is a dust magnet! honestly don't know if it is because this product used by itself or in combo. anyhow just my experince to share, probably won't try this combo again, 0.5 bottle left to use up, will not repeat purchase.
The dust attraction may be from buffing which creates a static attraction. It may not attract as much dust after your next wash. Some products tend to behave in ths matter more than others.
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