True Story

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Feb 21, 2003
Houston, Tex
I'm working out of the house at the moment, and early this afternoon I hear a pretty significant impact occur outside. I live across the street from a church school and they often have delivery and maintenance trucks there making noises, but I have heard no preceeding noises to indicate activity, so I am concerned. I rush outside to see if anything has hit our house.

It turns out that a utility van has run off the road, struck either the church or a tree, and is beginning to burn. I call 911 for a firetruck, but they don't arrive until the van has burned down to little more than a carcass. The flames and smoke were pretty spectacular for a while.

So, what is it about this event that causes me to post it in the humor section?

The school has a habit of printing up yard signs to acknowledge the students' birthdays. Some of the names are kinda preppy (it's that kind of school). So there, stuck right NEXT to the burning van, was the sign for today's birthday boy.

Happy Birthday...



I'm not kidding.
Instead of blowing out candles on a cake, he could have tried blowing out the van................

The driver was probably reading the sign and maybe that caused the crash?
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