Transmission fluid in engine oil

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Jan 11, 2005
San Jose, Ca
Yesterday I was changing the oil in my 2000 Silverado. As I was adding the oil after draining the old, I had my mind on something else and grabbed a qt of Pennzoil Dextron III and dumped 8 oz in the crankcase before I realized what I did. I pondered this error a few minutes and decided to drain the "contaminated" oil, as most of it should be in the pan by now. I now have a jug of 5 qt Pennzoil 10-30 with 8 oz of dextron in it; the crankcase takes 6 qt. It doesn't appear to separate from the motor oil, as water does, but to be mixed. What's your opinion on using this in the engine? I'm leaning towards using it. The reason the Dextron was there was because I was replacing the transmission pan fluid, also.
Recycle it - it probably won't do any harm, but there's a risk the ATF additives will clash with the engine oil additives and cause problems. Oil's cheap - just get new oil and carry on!

You could use that oil/ATF mix over several oil changes, and not waste it that way.
ATF has seal sweller adds, and it's also a cleaning agent in and of itself.
Some have used it instead of MMO in the gas(the ATF, I mean)/
Spread out over a couple or three oil changes, it's not enough quantity wise to bother anything.
Why waste good oil?
What did you drain it into.. if your oil drain pan is as dirty as mine.. i'd just recycle
Aren't ATF flushes bad because ATF has dispersants instead of detergents? So you can get solid particles in your oil?

Most recycle places dump all their oil together. Shouldn't be a problem.
Years ago my Father-in-law used to dump a quart of ATF in his '68 Caddy, (472 V-8). Said it cleaned the inside of the engine. He would also, on occasion, dump a quart in the gas tank to "lube" the carb. The motor finally gave out when the timing chain went at 212,000 miles. Maybe it didn't help. But then again, maybe it didn't hurt. Seems to me that Gary Allen did some work in this field not long ago - I think there might even be pictures somewhere.
As mentioned ATF won't clean as well as engine oil. You probably should have just left in in there it won't hurt anything. In the process of draining the oil out, around a plug and into less clean container you got larger particles of dirt in there.

Pitch it..its toast.
Heck, just filter it through an old cotton T-shirt and put it back in. It'll be just fine. (I use a perminate coffee filter to catch the grundies)..

One of these days I'm going to put my used ATF+3 in my old beater and see how long it will run.

Originally posted by GreeCguy:
Give it to a neighbor for his or her car.

Al does have a very good point. While, (in my humble opinion) there was very little if anything wrong with a little ATF in the oil, draining it and storing it could pose a "large hunks of trash" in the oil problem. I use some of my used oil in an ancient van I drive on occasion. But, I try to be extra super clean in my draining procedures, (cleaning the bottom of the oil pan on the car or truck BEFORE I remove the drain plug, keeping my drain pan very clean, etc.). I wouldn't say the oil is toast - but, if you're worried about ATF in the oil to the point of being worried to use it in your car, I would think dirt, trash, gunk, in the new oil would be a much greater concern. I still wouldn't toss it - use it in your lawn-mower. Give it to a neighbor for his or her car. If you have a relative with an old beater, give it to them and offer to change their oil as a gift. Take it to Good Will or Salvation Army. They can sell it and make a few bucks for a good cause. There's lots of options - but don't throw it away. (I'm starting to tear up just thinking about that nice, clean motor oil going in the trash).

Originally posted by GreeCguy:
Give it to a neighbor for his or her car. If you have a relative with an old beater, give it to them and offer to change their oil as a gift. Take it to Good Will or Salvation Army. They can sell it and make a few bucks for a good cause. There's lots of options - but don't throw it away. (I'm starting to tear up just thinking about that nice, clean motor oil going in the trash). don't want him to screw someone else if there's dirt in it. Get a 5 micron filter sock and filter it if you going to put it in someone else's vehicle.
Don't use it.
Why? Not because of horrible things that will happen to your engine.
For not much money you will never second guess yourself, and have complete peace of mind about it.
Originally posted by dwendt44:
...and it's also a cleaning agent in and of itself...

No it isn't. That's an old wives tale perpetuated by silly old men."

Sorry, 427, but my reading, experience, and information form those that re-build transmissions disagree with you.
ATF, at least the good ones, do have a cleaning effect. It's not strong,like a solvent, but it's there.
I have yet to drop the pan on an auto trans, and find it dirty; even when it's WAY over mileage for a filter change.
Over the years it has been very common to use ATF as a cleaner in engine oil. It did work. I've seen lifter noise go away many times with a pint of ATF added to the engine oil.

Today, the oil is better and there are better additives so I would avoid it. If I discovered some ATF in engine oil, I would not be the least bit worried. I would use it. I just would not make a habbit of it.

Originally posted by dwendt44:
Originally posted by dwendt44:
...and it's also a cleaning agent in and of itself...

No it isn't. That's an old wives tale perpetuated by silly old men."

Sorry, 427, but my reading, experience, and information form those that re-build transmissions disagree with you.
ATF, at least the good ones, do have a cleaning effect. It's not strong,like a solvent, but it's there.
I have yet to drop the pan on an auto trans, and find it dirty; even when it's WAY over mileage for a filter change.

Yeah, but a transmission doesn't have to deal with combustion byproducts.
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