Yesterday I was changing the oil in my 2000 Silverado. As I was adding the oil after draining the old, I had my mind on something else and grabbed a qt of Pennzoil Dextron III and dumped 8 oz in the crankcase before I realized what I did. I pondered this error a few minutes and decided to drain the "contaminated" oil, as most of it should be in the pan by now. I now have a jug of 5 qt Pennzoil 10-30 with 8 oz of dextron in it; the crankcase takes 6 qt. It doesn't appear to separate from the motor oil, as water does, but to be mixed. What's your opinion on using this in the engine? I'm leaning towards using it. The reason the Dextron was there was because I was replacing the transmission pan fluid, also.