Throat singing, overtones, or polyphonic singing.

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Dec 12, 2002
In the what are you listening to threads, I started down a rabbit hole that I thought should be broken out into it's own thread instead of dragging that one around...

Have always had a passing interest in "traditional" music, since about 40 years ago on a school camp, a traditional elder taught us the "Jabiru" song...interest, in that it interested me, and passing in that I didn't go looking for it.

More recently, on one of Billy Connolly's adventure documentaries, I saw a couple of Innuit sisters do one of their traditional "throat singing" practices.

That piqued my interest into something more, and I now go looking for it...the Mongolian style I find good background music for work (a long, long way from Iron Maiden and Judas Priest which used to be my go tos…)

For e.g...have this on my phone, and personally find it quite relaxing....

Per the other thread, I'm trying to teach myself to do it...can get quite a few of the sounds, and occasionally can get a clean sound and a distinct whistle overtone.

Here's a guy who is using it in modern music...

A polyphonic singer in the pure sense...

Here's a mix of Innuit and Mongolian...

And a guy showing various of the techniques.
I've always been fascinated with throat singing / polyphonic singing. As a singer myself, I am frequently drawn to this kind of ability. Some of my favorite musical tracks include it, even if just briefly, like the opening to this song:

The videos you linked are pretty awesome. I was aware of much of the styles, but not all... and I must say, Anna-Maria Hefele has some seriously incredible control of her abilities.. I'm blown away.
Throat singing, chanting, tai chi, yoga, the up & down etc., to me are primarily catalysts to achieve a different state of mind. That could either be mind and body or mind and soul (deity). Sure, there’s a musical component with some of the forms but that’s secondary.

Music has its own pedestal where beauty is its primary function. Like the “Golden Rule” of proportion, a certain arrangement of notes or a singer’s perfect pitch strikes a chord within us. In most instances we can’t help but like it since it’s hardwired into us. Darwinism as I mentioned in your other thread of same. I bet there’s a ton of closet Celine Dion fans out there.

Me, I’ve always been open minded and pragmatic. Although the form somewhat resonates, I don’t think throat singing, et al would provide much benefit to my state of being. However, I’m sure I wouldn’t be displeased with the results either – other than the local fauna.
Bump, back from a few days travel.

Music has always interested me on heaps of of my electives at University I did on the sicence of music, and worked on it from an engineering perspective...the scales, all of that made sense.

Built these from first engineering principals to be pentatonic...rotate it around 30-60 degrees every few months as the wind blows a different "sequence" each time.

Children comment that the sound is home (this is set two, set one is at Grandma's I built that 30 years ago).

Daughter is natural at music, can seemingly do anything. Loathes maths.
Son is intuitive maths, can do anything in his head. can't do music.

They are both wrong, just need to cross the streams so to speak.

ndfergy, you are onto something there.
Originally Posted By: ndfergy
Throat singing, chanting, tai chi, yoga, the up & down etc., to me are primarily catalysts to achieve a different state of mind. That could either be mind and body or mind and soul (deity). Sure, there’s a musical component with some of the forms but that’s secondary.

Music has its own pedestal where beauty is its primary function. Like the “Golden Rule” of proportion, a certain arrangement of notes or a singer’s perfect pitch strikes a chord within us. In most instances we can’t help but like it since it’s hardwired into us. Darwinism as I mentioned in your other thread of same. I bet there’s a ton of closet Celine Dion fans out there.

Me, I’ve always been open minded and pragmatic. Although the form somewhat resonates, I don’t think throat singing, et al would provide much benefit to my state of being. However, I’m sure I wouldn’t be displeased with the results either – other than the local fauna.

Great thought process there
I tend to think along the same lines.
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