Thread favorites


Nov 11, 2009
Houston(ish), Texas
Do you have favorite threads? Do you read in a particular order? I really like the little alert bell that tells me if there are posts in forums I've participated in or watching. My favorite is the new tool thread. I always read the rest and save it for last. Maybe that's weird, I don't know. Just curious if others have favorite sections or reading habits too.
Do you have favorite threads? Do you read in a particular order? I really like the little alert bell that tells me if there are posts in forums I've participated in or watching. My favorite is the new tool thread. I always read the rest and save it for last. Maybe that's weird, I don't know. Just curious if others have favorite sections or reading habits too.

The Locked Threads!

What is your favorite Motor Oil?
I don't have a favorite oil. I have a favorite shop that is the only place I take our cars and it's whatever they use. It's what they all use in their cars too so I figure it's the one to go with.
I have a list of loathsome thread topics that devolve into bickering. I cringe when I see them pop up. E.G.

“What’s the best oil”
”xxx made my engine noisy”

Any thread that bashes a category of cars, such as SUVs, sports cars, EVs, German cars, American cars, etc. which happens often. The bickering always follows. People hate Toyotas, for example. Got it.

But hatred, and putting something else down, is a poor way to try and build yourself up.

Argue merits, if you like, but stereotyping is the refuge of a weak intellect.
I like the "changed oil today in this... this went out... this went in". Just like the little small chat that goes with it. I guess I just like shooting the You Know What.
My fave threads are the soap opera drama threads haha! They give me my much needed soap opera fix haha!:D Just good entertainment!
I pretty much do the same as you do.
I wonder how posts are sorted/rated/filtered as to which ones appear on the "New Posts" tab.
I don't see mine in that tab.
Normally first check the Latest Threads column, then on to the Latest Posts column. Don't try to read 'em all, just whatever jumps out at me. Pot luck after that.
I like threads like what are you doing right now, what are you eating right now, post your latest beer consumption, new tool thread, what are you working on today, any threads about Christmas etc.
I just started watching TNF

I’m beat. Couch zombie now. Too many tasks completed today including some stressful driving after an hour of clearing the truck

Wife cooking some magical smelling soup

Cleared more poop area for Chancho and cleaned up the freeze dehydrated stuff which is super easy

The cold really zaps my strength

Had a winter ale

Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah investments did pretty good and I bought an ounce of gold