This is what happens when you trust your life...

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If Ronald pays off on this one like the "too hot coffee" lunacy they will be wide open to every idiot out there.
Shannow, I was a Paramedic and people his age with allergies that bad are either better at taking care of themselves or dead. And chas3 refined the comment a bit more. This person made five attempts to get it right but still but the burger in his mouth without looking first. This is an example that proves Darwin was right.
Perhaps the person at McDonalds should have just handed this guy a tablet of chlorine. Then again, he probably wouldn't understand that the joke would be on him.
"This is an example that proves Darwin was right."

I see comments like this a lot here, which seem to indicate that despite the many here who disparage Darwin, few actually bother to read and understand him.

Hmm, McDonalds uses real cheese?

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin 1859

The correct quote should have contained, "... those who disparage Darwin are hypocrites and charlatans...".

Having an allergy to cheese and then eating cheese qualifies this person as an example of Darwin's theory at work. I made no statement to disparage one of the greatest biologists ever. You should investigate FCD if you would like to learn more about Charles. You too could some day be able to append FCD to your signature.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin 1859

I had a thread closed down on that the other day.

BTW, that fellow dined on the banks of a creek that later became a dam that feeds one of the power stations that I work at.
It might be a guy with known but controllable allergies fishing for a well paying lawsuit.

p.s. I've read Darwin and recommend it just based on the language used, and the incredibly concise writing style the likes of which I've never seen anywhere else.

BTW, that fellow dined on the banks of a creek that later became a dam that feeds one of the power stations that I work at.


Can see the stacks and the cooling tower in the background

Where's the clear brown smoke from the stack? Whenever I see a coal fired plant in N.A. the stacks have a brown streak coming from them.

oilyriser, that's because it's an old ICAL boiler, which has been tuned to be quite low NOx. The brown haze is typically NOx emissions.

It's got electrostatic precipitators (to remove the fly ash, I used to "own them"), which struggle with our coals at times, but have been tuned well lately (precips need good, hands on care)
that's 25,000,000 litres per day of evaporation to cool one of the units.

It's neat standing dead centre in the cooling towers (out of service), as the acoustics are phenomenal. a little off centre, and the hyperbolae play into wierdness.

Go due East from there, and I was project manager for the 330' diameter dome.

Northwest a little is the tomato stall.

Further west is the other power station I work at.

Photos look recent, but prolly a weekend checking the cars in the carpark (we are pretty anal about our parking spaces)

that's 25,000,000 litres per day of evaporation to cool one of the units.

Your are producing a few cumulonimbi every day!

The picture was taken on May 23th (
) 2006. That must have been a Tuesday.

I can't find the park from where you took the picture. I guess the park is towards south-west?

That is a very mysterious dome. You guys play hockey in there?

'kinell you can get some details.

We store (some) coal there. the solar expansion on the norther n side of the structure is pretty intense, making the centre of the dome wander around with the sun. Hard to build, hard to get coal conveyors to run true.

Yep, park is South(ish) mostly.

Hockey is back in the main town, and played on green rectangles.
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