Things are not as they seem to be..

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Dec 27, 2009
I heard the story of a man who had been down on his luck and was desperate to make a little money. After a few other doors had closed to him, he had the idea of going to the city zoo, hoping to land a job feeding the animals. The manager at the zoo had no openings, but seeing how big this guy was, he offered him another position.

"Say," he said, "our gorilla died the other day, and he was one of our most popular exhibits. If we got you a special gorilla suit, would you put it on and imitate him for a few days, until the new gorilla arrives? We'll pay you well for it!"

The man was so desperate for work he agreed. In fact, after a few hours, he really got into the part—beating his chest and shaking the bars. Huge crowds were gathering. Maybe this won't be so bad after all, he told himself.

But one day, he was swinging on a trapeze and lost his grip. His momentum carried him right over a tall chain-link fence into the middle of the lion's den. Looking up at this intruder in his domain, the huge lion gave a ferocious roar. The crowds were mesmerized.

What was the gorilla to do? If he cried out for help, it would reveal his true identity.

He slowly walked backward away from the lion, hoping to climb the fence back into his own cage. The lion, however, with a hungry look on his face, began to stalk him step by step. Finally, in desperation, the gorilla hollered, "Help!"

Immediately the lion answered in an annoyed whisper, "Shut up, stupid! You'll get us both fired!"

You see … things aren't always as they appear!
Good one.
Good one.

That's like the Herman Joke where two Zoo employees are behind a wall holding sticks with giraffe heads on them.
The one employee says if he doesn't get a raise, he's gonna blow the lid off this place.
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