Originally posted by Baveux:
[QB] Can you have good wear, and good visc at 100C if the TBN number are low or very low ?
Sure... you can also run the tires all the way to slicks too, but in all likelyhood, you will have one place on the tire go bald first.
How long can you use an oil with the TBN at zero before you start to damage something ?
At ZERO, I would guess not at all. I think there is a 1 or 2 point rate of error in TBN (maybe 10-20%), and on top of this, to me and maybe me alone, this is like asking how long can you run oil when you cant see it on the dipstick, or how many pounds under inflated can you go on all your tires before they blow because afterall you will intend to put air in them JUST before they get too hot and blow..
Hey, either get use to WASTING some oil or don't worry about it and do what everyone else does and don't care
Just how far under the safety zone can you pull the rip cord and still live and walk away unharmed> Answer, YOU are NOT suppose to DO that!
What are you going to damage first ? And how would you know that ?
God Almighty only knows. What does it matter?
I would guess it would be damaging everything, to what extent I donno!