Some good news

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These type of people I would call HERO. The ones who help and save poor people, especially poor and hungry children, of the world.
Bookmarked. I am going to show this to my kids right now, before dinner, to encourage the cultivation of gratitude and to show them the effects of these efforts: We tend to some plots in community gardens where the entirety of the harvests goes to a place that dehydrates the food and sends vaccuum-sealed meals to Africa. My daughters, 6 and 7, know we're doing something useful and good but don't have much of a sense of who and what is on the other end of these enterprises. Bravo!
There are still a few people in the world who are not totally self-centered and self-involved. I have a feeling they will be remembered longer than the elite, the arrogant, and all those who care only for themselves.
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