Small Specific Gripe About Black Friday

Oct 28, 2002
Everson WA - Pacific NW USA
I mean other than it ain't what it used to be...

My gripe: All the emails that pour in from companies in the past that I 100% unsubscribed from. Do they some how think Black Friday allows them to dredge every old email address up and shoot daily adds out? Doesn't matter, every type of hobby or whatever seller. Worse this year seems like.

That is all.
Yes, I had to delete so many emails this morning that I got a blister on my finger...........this, in 2 feet of snow, uphill both ways.:unsure:

And, in my state they are thinking of renaming the event. All Colors Inclusive Friday, or similar

Gonna get another cup of coffee, turn up the volume on the crackling fire video.
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I want to know why I should support a retailer's books moving from red to "in the black" this coming Winter's Solstice by purchasing massive quantities of junk I do not want - or yet again - some person or persons gifting such things to me! Makes me reel!

Make ye way from my snow blanketed garden pæþ, ye Gay Shrovetide Merry Revellers!

Bah! Humbug!
My gripe is that Christmas does not start until the evening of December 24th. Then it runs through January 6th. This Sunday will be the beginning of Advent, the preparation season for Christmas. So, the greeting should not be "Merry Christmas," it should be "Have a Merry Christmas." The problem is, Christmas is no longer a Christian holy day, it is a secular holiday. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
I keep getting texts and emails from Guitar Center, about "15-50% off sale" for Good Friday. Then I go to their website and find the one thing I want to buy is not among the items on sale. Annoying.
I keep getting texts and emails from Guitar Center, about "15-50% off sale" for Good Friday. Then I go to their website and find the one thing I want to buy is not among the items on sale. Annoying.
I'm truly finding the supermarket trick being deployed more and more. Increase the price, discount it heavily, and net sale price is actually not great. Amazon does it all the time, but I see more eTailers doing the same. To the point where today, Black Friday, the price is higher than it was one week ago, out the door. Anyone who doubts this tactic is used, I can provide examples.
Surprisingly I have been spared - so far - knock on wood.

I thought everyone knew that black friday deals are a thing of the past and prices continue to drop from here?

I did scroll through Amazon's deals and all I could find to buy was some coffee I normally buy anyway. $4 off. They only let me buy 5.
Did ok with Amazon BF deals, basic OBD scanner for $20.
Golf rangefinder, all the features (rechargeable, magnetic, slope, flag lock, case) for $30. My Bushnell rangefinder was $350, 10 years ago.
99% they used a different marketing database/company/contractor for this one Black Friday Than their normal marketing emails to claim "well you didn't opt out of this specific list."
I mean other than it ain't what it used to be...

My gripe: All the emails that pour in from companies in the past that I 100% unsubscribed from. Do they some how think Black Friday allows them to dredge every old email address up and shoot daily adds out? Doesn't matter, every type of hobby or whatever seller. Worse this year seems like.

That is all.
I saw you on my lawn! GET OFF! ;)

Honestly, I kinda like the way BF is going overall. It seems increasingly the sale dates are extended for several days (like the whole weekend) and you can order for ship-to-home.

I never liked the early-bird-gets-the-worm sales where you had to be at HD at 6a to get the ~20 folding platforms they stocked. It just felt too much like the tail wagging the dog.
It just doesn’t feel like Black Friday anymore. Used to be the store you could not get into unless you were there early. Now it’s just a few items in the center of the store and some electronics and that’s it. I guess me and my parents are going to have to evolve to online shopping as much as we hate too. There is no movies on sale in store no more of anything like their used to be. It just sucks. One of my favorite things is Black Friday shopping. I will always hold the memories of Black Friday 2009 when I saw in my Walmart this lady get picked up by two guys and thrown into the shelf so they could get the last Xbox. They didn’t get their Xbox and were immediately arrested. I kinda miss the days of seeing all the news of people going crazy over it but I’m glad it has stopped as that’s uncalled for but it was amazing what some people would do to save a few bucks.
Black Friday was never really a thing in Canada until the last 9 or 10 years because our Thanksgiving is in early October. But we get some pretty amazing deals on BF now. For instance right now Walmart has one of the smaller Keurig coffee machines for just $44.97 ($32.09 US!) and they are selling 5qt jugs of M1 for $29.97 ($21.39 US!!)
BF used to be only in USA, but in the last 10 years Canadian retailers had to have another reason to annoy people, especially people who already know the special prices are not.
It annoys me, too. Thus far, Americans have been spared the Boxing Day "sales"...
It just doesn’t feel like Black Friday anymore. Used to be the store you could not get into unless you were there early. Now it’s just a few items in the center of the store and some electronics and that’s it. I guess me and my parents are going to have to evolve to online shopping as much as we hate too. There is no movies on sale in store no more of anything like their used to be. It just sucks. One of my favorite things is Black Friday shopping. I will always hold the memories of Black Friday 2009 when I saw in my Walmart this lady get picked up by two guys and thrown into the shelf so they could get the last Xbox. They didn’t get their Xbox and were immediately arrested. I kinda miss the days of seeing all the news of people going crazy over it but I’m glad it has stopped as that’s uncalled for but it was amazing what some people would do to save a few bucks.

WWE style fights were always nice to watch of people fist fighting at Walmart for crap.