Thanks for all the replies to my question. I kind of figured there could be a quality slip in motor oil quality, gasoline quality, and diesel fuel quality if a shortage developed for crude oil. It just stands to reason that a shortage of crude oil could also produce a shortage of chemical additives.
This can be due to several factors. Of course one thing is that it may simply become hard to find enough chemical additives. But in addition as the price of motor oil, gasoline, etc. climb, there may be pressure to try to sell at a lower price by cutting back on quality.
The federal government used to do random sampling of motor oil and at times in the past there were numerous cases of samples being found that had low additive content. And motor oil of the same brand can be very different depending on where the motor oil is purchased in the United States. I don't know if random samplying is still done or not but I feel it should be done.
I remember a long-time mechanic telling me to use high octane gasoline on an occasional basis to clean the injectors and the fuel system. He seemed to feel that additive content in gasoline was lower in the detergent additives then in the more high priced higher octane fuel.
Witout a doubt diesel fuel can be tampered with. Winter diesel fuel has a higher kerosene content then summer diesel fuel, which is more like home heating oil.