This is from memory, but I think the stuff had an SG rating. I've seen some non-detergent SA oil in stores but never anything like this. Are they still blending this stuff or is it left over from the dark ages? I haven't gone back into a history of oil web page to see when this stuff was current, but suspect that it was after 1988 when his car was built.
So-- other than telling him not to do it again-- can anyone tell me:
1. If this will actually hurt his engine?
2. Why a company would sell such stuff? J.D. Streett used to retail gas and oil in the St. Louis area. Could it be left over from the time they were a reputable company? Warehouses of crap to move out?
Obviously if he had dumped this in a newer car he could have cooked his warranty. Another reason not to buy used.
[ July 18, 2002, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: csandste ]