Sell now or in February

FYI you need to have the car titled in your name for 30 days before CarMax Will buy it. I went to sell my Tesla Model 3 in October to them and they could see the day it got titled to my name with the state and it wasn't 30 days yet. Had to wait a few more days.

Dealing with CarMax was a breeze.
Sell it as soon as you can. Anything could happen to hurt the value of your car. There are plenty of cars out there for sale and if the interest rates go up the car sales will slow down even more. This crazy car market is not going to last forever. I have been looking at use Honda Civics from 2016 to 2019. The prices are $16,000 or more for cars with 50,000 miles or more. On the other hand the new Civic LX sedan is only $22,215 brand new. I would sell immediately it if you can get that much money for it.
If I want to sell to CarMax I have to buy the car for a little under $10K then wait till I have the title to sell to CarMax.
If I sell it to my Hyundai dealer there is no sales tax or 30 day wait and they will give me $15500.
No fuss no muss and I walk away with a little over $5500.
I wonder how many people just turn in their lease cars and not know they have the option of selling it?
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