Sealing grout

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May 16, 2011
Greenville, SC via Chicago, IL
About one year ago we had the bathroom remodeled by a contractor that was nothing but headaches. I was gone in the USAF, therefore wasn't able to do it myself.

Two days ago, I re-grouted some areas around the tub area that were in need of repair.

I have to assume that the contractor didn't seal the grout.

Can I still seal all the grout even if it's over a year old in a bathroom environment?
You can seal it as many times or whenever you want. Just make sure you bleach it clean. He should have used self sealing grout but can't change that now. kit is really cheap. like 20$. looks like a big bottle of clear nail polish.
I've had tried sealing the grout with silicone bathroom caulking before, and the result was terrible.

Now, depending on how the back of the grout is being implemented (is it felt, or Kerdi?), I now resort to either (a) leave the grout alone and let it "breathe", or (b) seal it with silicone grout sealer.

If (b) is what you resort to doing, then yes, you can still seal grout even though it's one year old (or multiples of years old)...trick is, (1) you must get grout cleaner/prepper from the same makers of the silicone grout sealer to do the prep work; and (2) you must leave the grout dry (or as dry as possible) before sealing it.

Good luck. (I had my bathroom grouts sealed with silicone sealer 4 yrs ago, and been resealed once since, still works like a charm)

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