Well after a lot of thought on which oil to put in after my second changeout of the 5W-30 Schaeffer's Moly Pure Syn.
I decided to go with Schaeffer's 10W-30 Supreme. I was really tempted with the Castrol but thought that this switch to the Schaeffer's would benefit folks on this bord with regards to comparative analysis information.
This vehicle has 35K miles on it now and my previous changes (which I have samples for-posted on this board) are Mobil 1 10W-30 TriSyn (5500 miles), Schaeffer's Pure Syn (6700 miles and the last batch which will be sending in is the Schaeffer's Pure Syn (6000 miles) The reason I changed at 6K miles is that it will be a good test to compare with the Schaeffer's Supreme at 6K miles which will be my limit.
I think there will be good information bc I have used the K&N oversize filter HP-1010 on all 4 samples.
I know-more information than anyone wants to know
- but that what we do here.
I ll be waiting at the mailbox in the future
This vehicle has 35K miles on it now and my previous changes (which I have samples for-posted on this board) are Mobil 1 10W-30 TriSyn (5500 miles), Schaeffer's Pure Syn (6700 miles and the last batch which will be sending in is the Schaeffer's Pure Syn (6000 miles) The reason I changed at 6K miles is that it will be a good test to compare with the Schaeffer's Supreme at 6K miles which will be my limit.
I think there will be good information bc I have used the K&N oversize filter HP-1010 on all 4 samples.
I know-more information than anyone wants to know