Sayings that people told you...

May 25, 2005
that made a difference in your life. Or the way you now do things today as compared to your past.
It could even be from a scene/line in a movie that gotcha thinking. Or even an old saying that "you" heard for the first time.

People could tell you the same thing over & over and it just doesn't click. Or many others could even tell you something in their own different way but, it still doesn't click. Then it's that one person or saying or line that you hear that makes all the difference in the world on how you go about or think about things forever.

For example, when I was young and as a young & foolish kid, I often(like so many), made the same mistakes over & over. Whether it was with money decisions, love, bad jobs etc. Then one day, even after telling me thousands of times, my father said;

"why do you keep jumping in the fire?"

And that was just one piece of advise, saying, comment that stuck with me and, "I GOT IT!"
There are many more sayings, advise, comments, lines in movies that have changed all of us, especially me. And because of these words, I have grown into the person that I am today.

Are there any special words or suggestive criticism that others have said to you, or a saying you heard that finally made you GET IT because of the way it was said or told to you?

Only if you would care to share,

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I'll be brief with these as I feel they speak for themselves for the most part.

1) During the weight lifting fad of our youth a pal was denouncing being musclebound. He said he'd rather be limber. He added, "Move when you do things". Obviously not a substitute for a fitness plan but you get the idea. "Look alive", is something my Dad used to say. The first one is more long term. The second is more of a prod.

2) "Cobwebs become cables" is one another friend said of bad habits.

3) "Check your windage" is one a friend's father used to say regarding human endeavors, not L-R corrections for boats and bullets. I like that one a lot.

edit: I just read jhg7's above. I've always liked that one.
"You never have to take another drink in your life if you don't want to.", a wonderful lady in my 1st meeting 32 years ago.
A journeyman Moldmaker who I served my apprenticeship under, once told me when I was griping about the size of my paycheck... "It's not what you make. It's what you do with it after you make it". Truer words were never spoken.
Originally Posted by Donald
Drinking is overrated.

That reminds me of one of Dean Martin's favorite lines... "I really feel sorry for people who don't drink. Because after they wake up, that's as good as they're going to feel all day".
"Grandpa saved the town in the thirties (he ran the town grocery store and fed lots of people who couldn't pay), and the depression is coming back." Most people today would want to protect their five year old kid from the specter of the Great Depression, but I wasn't spared. Looking over my shoulder has always made me very conservative in my spending habits. I have money and use a $70 Moto E4 phone, my kids live paycheck to paycheck and have I-phones and Samsung Galaxy S9's. Guess I fell down on my fear mongering.
Originally Posted by skyactiv
From my younger sister when she was on H. It's safe because I smoke it.

I wish your sister luck; the same luck I had.
Most are not so lucky.
- You can't fix stupid. -- Jim White, KMOX late night talk host
- You can't out work your fork. -- Numerous
- Hair is overrated. -- Me
Oh so many...
Dad used to say "those who don't listen must feel". I learned to take a breath and listen to advice, especially from someone versed in the topic. I began to realize if someone was talking to me, I was worthy of the conversation.
30 years ago, the district manager ( my bosses, bosses, boss) had me in his office over a situation with a customer. The customer presented me with a problem, and I did nothing because I felt I wasn't in a position to. The situation went sideways fast, and that's how I wound up talking to the DM. He was a smart and powerful man, obvious by his position, office size, and perfect tie. He told me how I had made a mistake, and that doing nothing was never the right choice. "Make a decision, and implement it. If you are right, we move forward, if you are wrong, we will learn from it. But don't ever just ignore a problem or do nothing." Such excellent advice in so many areas of life.
I had a good friend, worked at McDonnell Douglas. He built some secret part for fighter jets he could never talk about. We were working on lowering a Fiero. Nice car, fat tires, V8 transplant, Koni suspension, Herb Adams anti-sway. Something wasn't going well, I got upset, and tossed a large wrench across the garage. "Why'd ja do that? Now you just gotta go get it...." Again, good advice to stay calm, have patience, and work a problem with grace under pressure.
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In my first job as a fast food manager, fresh out of college, I was struggling to be all things to all the employees and customers. My manager/mentor said to me: "You don't have to be friends with everybody, you know..."

Once he said that, I felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. You have to be fair and respected, but you don't have to be friends with everybody.
Shop foreman that saw me struggling/complaining about my job one day - " Anyone can steer a ship in calm water "
Not a saying but great advice from the loan officer when I bought my house. Pay at least $100 a month extra on your mortgage and it will go towards the principle, not the interest! I paid my house off in 22 years instead of 30 years by following this advice. This was before 15 year loans were common, but applies to any loan where extra money paid is applied to the principle balance.
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