Rotella T6 5w40 Subaru 2.0 turbo 3,125 miles

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Oct 27, 2006
Florida, USA
Second UOA for son's WRX. Previous oil was Valvoline 10w40 dino.

Former high copper count now reduced as stated. The 5,000 miles should read 5,000km, so that's 3,125 miles.

One quart In 3k miles? Do you know when the oil was added? Is he planning to extend the oci?

Hey, guys, the UOA in the OP is for my car. It is actually a 1993 EJ20G, not an EJ205 like Blackstone seems to think. Nor was it 5K miles, it was 5K kilometers. it seems someone there might not think I know what I'm writing on the order form and feels the need to correct.

The one quart added was more like half a quart, as I usually just get 5 quarts to do the oil change and just toss what's left of the 5th bottle in the trunk just in ase it needs to be topped up. Now this car was probably driven hard by most standards, but it just seems to be what the car wants when you drive it.
Originally Posted By: Ziiiiip
Hey, guys, the UOA in the OP is for my car. It is actually a 1993 EJ20G,

More details please!

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