Last night I got a 14.1 as soon as I drove in no cooldown, 60 was bad I had to roll into it and still pedal out of spin, they were talking about how much VHT they dumped but you couldn't prove it by anyone running. High temp yesterday was 52 and mixed clouds all day so the track was just too cold to hook. To put that 14.1 into perspective I have met a few LS1 Camaro drivers(with autos so it isn't the driver) there that can't muster a 13 and my car was in FULL daily driver trim, I mean the spare, crate of fluids, street tires at street pressure, plus I had an airtank so I could play with the tires if I wanted and they make us wear a helmet reguardless of times. The Impala wheels and tires are very heavy too, plus I am 200lbs, I figure total weight was between 4450-4500, that is an educated guess too since I scaled it over the winter.
Today Berly_Bonetock from the Camaro board is going to come over and we are going to tune his car, he put in a BIG cam and no tuning yet, so I was able to take him at the tree last night, he was VERY close to reeling me in though, his E.T. was faster, by a hair. His traction is worse than mine, and the factory rev limit is stopping him from really using the cam. We will fix the tune and rev limit today, but it is raining so the real fun will have to wait.
Edit, for those not familiar with what I drive it is a 96 Caprice
, see whales can fly. This track is just real bad EVERYONE says Great Lakes Dragaway is 2-3tenths faster, but this one is 15 minutes from work. Don't know why it is slow other than traction Wisconsin is pretty flat so it isn't elevation.
[ May 08, 2004, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: DJ ]