Rotella T syn / engine noise

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May 2, 2004
kansas city
my 4.0 jeep has about 100k on it and i recently switched from penz 10w30 to rotella 5w40 syn. I noticed a huge increase in idle noise. Im not sure what the noise is coming from, but it sounds like the valves or piston slap? whaterer it is, i dont like it ant want to drain and try something else. I know lots of people like to run 40wt in thier jeeps, so i might try mobil 5w40 suv. will this oil make the same noise? thanks
My experiance was is was slightly louder at first but greatly quieted down after a couple hundered miles, now it is the quietest oil I have run. If you haven't already give it a week or so then reevaluate, maybe it will do the same thing for you.
Yes, posted many did many miles with a 30 weight and are hearing the garbage in your engine now as a result.

The Rotella will do the required cleaning and the noise will subside or go away. Good choice in the 40 weight. Just hang in there...may take several thou mile's and/or changes.
I should add it began to get a tad noisy at startup recently, I figured the filter might be getting full, so I changed that the other night and back to quiet again.
Rotella did absolutely nothing to improve the noise of my 22RE Toyota. I changed to it from a 30 wt. Just my experience. Also Delvac 1 did not improve piston slap in my son's 3.4 GrandAm (switched from 10W-30 Mobil 1.)
Yeah,rotella 5w40 made my ls1 quieter than the redline 5w30,but now my engine drinks oil like a fish.I will be switching back to redline or trying the mobil 5w40.
I had no consumption before or after in my LT1, this may just be an example of different engines likeing different oils.

Originally posted by DJ:
I had no consumption before or after in my LT1, this may just be an example of different engines likeing different oils.

Yeah,kind of weird how that works.
I had her out at the dragstrip twice this week and nobody believes I have a larger than stock cam and roller rockers because it is so quiet. The rockers are audible but not to the usual degree. After they see the timeslips they believe me

Originally posted by DJ:
I had her out at the dragstrip twice this week and nobody believes I have a larger than stock cam and roller rockers because it is so quiet. The rockers are audible but not to the usual degree. After they see the timeslips they believe me

What kind of times does your LT1 run?

My LT1 Formula is pretty much bone stock, other than an SLP catback, and it's best ET is 13.68 at 100.4, with a 2.00 60ft. I'm getting it dyno tuned next week, and expect to pick up about 15rwhp from that.
Last night I got a 14.1 as soon as I drove in no cooldown, 60 was bad I had to roll into it and still pedal out of spin, they were talking about how much VHT they dumped but you couldn't prove it by anyone running. High temp yesterday was 52 and mixed clouds all day so the track was just too cold to hook. To put that 14.1 into perspective I have met a few LS1 Camaro drivers(with autos so it isn't the driver) there that can't muster a 13 and my car was in FULL daily driver trim, I mean the spare, crate of fluids, street tires at street pressure, plus I had an airtank so I could play with the tires if I wanted and they make us wear a helmet reguardless of times. The Impala wheels and tires are very heavy too, plus I am 200lbs, I figure total weight was between 4450-4500, that is an educated guess too since I scaled it over the winter.

Today Berly_Bonetock from the Camaro board is going to come over and we are going to tune his car, he put in a BIG cam and no tuning yet, so I was able to take him at the tree last night, he was VERY close to reeling me in though, his E.T. was faster, by a hair. His traction is worse than mine, and the factory rev limit is stopping him from really using the cam. We will fix the tune and rev limit today, but it is raining so the real fun will have to wait.

Edit, for those not familiar with what I drive it is a 96 Caprice
, see whales can fly. This track is just real bad EVERYONE says Great Lakes Dragaway is 2-3tenths faster, but this one is 15 minutes from work. Don't know why it is slow other than traction Wisconsin is pretty flat so it isn't elevation.

[ May 08, 2004, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: DJ ]
Thank you
. Just got done putting a temporary tune in Jeff's Camaro along with a spare OBD1 swap pcm I had, now I did not ride in it at all with the old tune but WOW does that thing pull now. If he could hook it I think 12s are certainly possible. He has me wishing I had gone T56 instead of rebuilding the auto.

There are guys going a lot faster than me some of them even just with boltons, the lack of headers is a big holdup.

[ May 08, 2004, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: DJ ]
14.1 is an awesome time for an Impala, especially with no cooldown (which I know in my case can be worth as much as 3-4 tenths!) The Impala is generally a full second slower than the f-body due to it's weight, so your engine is definitely making some good power in order to run the times it does. My car is only 3425 pounds on a half tank of gas for example.
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