Rotella T 5w40 no more at Wal-mart

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Jan 19, 2004
South Jersey
found out last night at two South Jersey wal-marts that the 5w40 will not be carried by the stores anymore. Just the 15w40. Also only the very popular size ST and motorcraft filters will be carried. The orange wall of death was increased to carry the other sizes.
On a good note was able to pick up the last 3 qts of chevron 10w40 and 1 qt of 10w30.
also they are starting to carry a new labeld GTX called Quick Start for $3.00/qt.
One last thing, check the taper seals of your oil. Thought I was able to get the last 3 gallons of Rotella T 5w40, however one was leaking from the cap area. Then myself and the salesman removed the caps off all three and found all the seals removed. Looks like someone refilled them with something cheap and returned then. The salesman said it is not the first time it has happened. In fact he said the day before somebody returned a stereo in the box and got their money back. Later that day they found out it was an empty box.
I had a related experience at the WalMart in Troy New York. I bought a Coleman lantern, and when I got it home, there was a lantern in the box, but not a Coleman lantern, as depicted on the outside of the box.

After treating me with suspicion, they exchanged it for the right one.

Glad I stocked up on Rotella 5w-40, and when it runs out, Mobil 1 Truck and SUV should be better available.
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