I just picked up some at Walmart because they switched the regular price to $11.something a gallon. Before, that was always the sale price and the regular price was 15 or 16 bucks a gallon. What kind of pricing do you guys find on Rotella synthetic at Walmart?
Hopefully this stuff will cut my consumption, as it seems pretty bad now; around 1 quart/1500 miles with 5w-30 high mileage. I believe I recall someone here cut there consumption in half with the Rotella compared to 10w-40 GTX high mileage.
Hopefully this stuff will cut my consumption, as it seems pretty bad now; around 1 quart/1500 miles with 5w-30 high mileage. I believe I recall someone here cut there consumption in half with the Rotella compared to 10w-40 GTX high mileage.