Staff member
2006 LBZ Duramax UOA
All readings zero if not noted
No make-up oil added
TBN not tested as oil dumped at 6.5k miles (~1 year interval).
This is the "Triple Protection" 10w-30 conventional oil and not the T5.
Unv Avg
Date 2011 2010 2009
Oil (dino) 10w-30 15w-40 10w-30
Brand Rotella Delvac Rotella
Oil Mileage 6.5k 7.0k 6.0k 6.6k
Truck mileage 33.5k 27k 20k
Filter PureOne Wix Wix
Al 2 n/a 3 9
Fe 14 n/a 10 12
Cu 3 n/a 5 10
Pb 5 n/a 2 3
Tn 0 n/a 1 1
Molyb 14 n/a 2 29
Potas 11 n/a 13 3
Boron 35 n/a 24 54
Silicon 11 n/a 11 9
Calcium 2336 n/a 2358 2661
Magn 113 n/a 10 229
Phos 1115 n/a 1001 1090
Zn 1314 n/a 1201 1290
SUS @ 210F 67.6 n/a 72.5
cSt @ 100C 12.31 n/a 13.6
FP 415 n/a 425
Fuel 0 n/a 0
Water 0 n/a 0
Coolant 0 n/a 0
Insolubles 0.2 n/a 0.3
OCI notes:
The truck is a secondary vehicle for me; most miles are accumulated during summer vacation trips pulling a full size travel-trailer. Our vacation trip this year was ~4.4k miles, representing 67% of the total miles on this 6.5k mile UOA. This summer’s trip was from IN out through the CO Rockies, all over the southern half of UT, down into AZ and back through CO. We saw daily significant changes in elevation and extreme heat in the canyons.
I wanted to see how the new pyrometer would perform and just how high the EGTs ran with a stock engine, so I was purposely merciless in flogging it up all those mountain passes every day. (I was never unsafe in my driving, and I am courteous to others, but more often than not, I was the guy doing the passing uphill and very few people ever found it necessary to pass me).
I also wanted to see how well the host oil would hold up in the UOA with no outside influence, so no make-up oil was added whatsoever for the entire OCI. I am diligent about checking the fluid levels, but since it was always in the safe range, I just left it alone. When I was ready to OCI, it was just a hair above the add mark. (For reference, the range on the dipstick from Full down to Add represents approximately 2 quarts of volume). In effect, I was down 20% of the sump volume at the end of the OCI.
Check the viscosity; even though I harangued this oil as best I could, the vis didn’t thicken as much as the last time; it’s just a hair out of grade, but not by much. After all that heating and 20% sump loss, it’s better than two years ago. Had I topped off the sump, it would have easily been in spec.
The Fe and Pb are a tiny bit over the universal averages, but not enough to warrant concern. Given the way I rode this mule every day, I'm suprised they're not higher .... In fact (and again) had I topped off, they probably would have been at or below average.
I continue to be impressed, both with the Rotella and the engine. I tried my best to frag that lube. I stacked the deck against it with high heat loads, sustained uphill pulls at WOT, zero make-up oil and a sump at less than full capacity, yet the oil/engine combination performed admirably.
Fear not the lighter dino HDEOs!
All readings zero if not noted
No make-up oil added
TBN not tested as oil dumped at 6.5k miles (~1 year interval).
This is the "Triple Protection" 10w-30 conventional oil and not the T5.
Unv Avg
Date 2011 2010 2009
Oil (dino) 10w-30 15w-40 10w-30
Brand Rotella Delvac Rotella
Oil Mileage 6.5k 7.0k 6.0k 6.6k
Truck mileage 33.5k 27k 20k
Filter PureOne Wix Wix
Al 2 n/a 3 9
Fe 14 n/a 10 12
Cu 3 n/a 5 10
Pb 5 n/a 2 3
Tn 0 n/a 1 1
Molyb 14 n/a 2 29
Potas 11 n/a 13 3
Boron 35 n/a 24 54
Silicon 11 n/a 11 9
Calcium 2336 n/a 2358 2661
Magn 113 n/a 10 229
Phos 1115 n/a 1001 1090
Zn 1314 n/a 1201 1290
SUS @ 210F 67.6 n/a 72.5
cSt @ 100C 12.31 n/a 13.6
FP 415 n/a 425
Fuel 0 n/a 0
Water 0 n/a 0
Coolant 0 n/a 0
Insolubles 0.2 n/a 0.3
OCI notes:
The truck is a secondary vehicle for me; most miles are accumulated during summer vacation trips pulling a full size travel-trailer. Our vacation trip this year was ~4.4k miles, representing 67% of the total miles on this 6.5k mile UOA. This summer’s trip was from IN out through the CO Rockies, all over the southern half of UT, down into AZ and back through CO. We saw daily significant changes in elevation and extreme heat in the canyons.
I wanted to see how the new pyrometer would perform and just how high the EGTs ran with a stock engine, so I was purposely merciless in flogging it up all those mountain passes every day. (I was never unsafe in my driving, and I am courteous to others, but more often than not, I was the guy doing the passing uphill and very few people ever found it necessary to pass me).
I also wanted to see how well the host oil would hold up in the UOA with no outside influence, so no make-up oil was added whatsoever for the entire OCI. I am diligent about checking the fluid levels, but since it was always in the safe range, I just left it alone. When I was ready to OCI, it was just a hair above the add mark. (For reference, the range on the dipstick from Full down to Add represents approximately 2 quarts of volume). In effect, I was down 20% of the sump volume at the end of the OCI.
Check the viscosity; even though I harangued this oil as best I could, the vis didn’t thicken as much as the last time; it’s just a hair out of grade, but not by much. After all that heating and 20% sump loss, it’s better than two years ago. Had I topped off the sump, it would have easily been in spec.
The Fe and Pb are a tiny bit over the universal averages, but not enough to warrant concern. Given the way I rode this mule every day, I'm suprised they're not higher .... In fact (and again) had I topped off, they probably would have been at or below average.
I continue to be impressed, both with the Rotella and the engine. I tried my best to frag that lube. I stacked the deck against it with high heat loads, sustained uphill pulls at WOT, zero make-up oil and a sump at less than full capacity, yet the oil/engine combination performed admirably.
Fear not the lighter dino HDEOs!
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