Rope gets car out of a jam

I don't carry a rope so I will simple avoid driving over culverts.... well depends on what car I'm driving. If I owned that one, you would need a longer rope for the valley I'd send it down.

**** youtube is tossing their advert videos to play on top of what I need to see to enjoy said video.

Oh well, the solution is easy... the the "R" selection on the shifter.. much quicker.
And I thought I was cool when a 30' hank of old 'mill rope' (5/8" pink in color-cotton/poly/nylon) was enough to pull me from a deep shoulder when I went off road during squall which separated my wheels from Interstate 87 and deposited me into high, snow covered grass.

A tow vehicle to tie onto helped immeasurably.
Guy's lucky there are guardrails nearby to rig off of. But he'd be luckier if there were just guardrails keeping him on the road in the first place.