Robot landing on a comet

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Dec 5, 2003
Arlington, Washington
The robot has traveled 4 billion miles to get to this point. Holy cow........;_ylt=A0SO802VxWJUCVYAiWJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzbjRmZ2dsBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDOQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDU0Ml8x
Very cool mission. Hope it works out. Extremely tough landing. Some estimates put landing fail probability at 50%.
Impressive. We take achievements (or attempts at; fingers crossed) for granted these days. 100 years ago sailing a boat aross the Atlantic was a challenge. Today something like this gets hardly any attention.
Being from the Philadelphia, PA area, the name of the lander caught my attention "Philae".

So I looked up the word and found a couple of things.

From Wikipedia: "Philae is an island in Lake Nasser, Egypt."

From a dictionary site on the word root: "These ROOT-WORDS are PHIL, PHILA, PHILO & PHILE which mean LOVE. It comes from the Greek philos which means loving."

Yeah, these technological developments are amazing, wishing them luck.
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Just outstanding!

That is pretty impressive to slingshot around the solar system a few times and then cross paths with the comet and match its orbit.
As thunderbolts project, or electric universe had predicted, there very well might be problems with landing gear as the comet is a dry black as charcoal rock and not the dirty snowball that their model predicts. They will discover that the comet is dry as [censored] and no water ice exists. Only hydroxyl or HO, not H2O, is present because of solar protons combining with comet oxygen ions. Comet's comas and tails are an electric discharge within the suns electric (positive) field. This mission will NOT go as planned, and there WILL be surprises in store for mission scientists. Cheers.
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Well initially they said everything was successful, including the, key word, ICE harpoons fired and reeled in. But now we are unsure whether they know it they did not grip and reeled in, or if they never fired at all.

But, to the point, standard theory says a comet is a dirty snowball... however, all aspects of comet behavior contradict this theory (the Wipple model). A simple visual observation of comets clearly show them as being a dry rocky body.

This mission will be a major paradigm shift inducing event (hopefully) if the mission scientist have any objectivity at all. Which is very much lacking in all the sciences.
Have no fear- any day now there will be posts on the internet claiming it's all been faked. (Wonder why they didn't go ahead & fake *everything* working correctly?)
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