Redline Diesel Oil 15W40 - 2006 Duramax LBZ

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Oct 22, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Truck has now done 10,353km on this oil. Oil still in sump. Last analysis done May 2010 this one is Sept 2011. Has gone thru two summer season towing cycles. Used mostly for towing 27ft 5th wheel.

Analysis appears fine. One question, when is soot % a problem? Engine has a FS2500 bypass system. Would like to post the actual analysis with full history of past analyses but posting that is a PITA on this forum.

Comments welcome

Chromium 1
Iron 15
Copper 4
Lead 1
Tin 0
Molybdenum 3
Silver 3
Titanium 0
Potassium 2
Boron 4
Silicon 13
Sodium 4
Calcium 2885
Magnesium 10
Phosphorus 1273
Zinc 1419
Barium 0

cst Viscosity @ 40 C 110
cst viscosity @ 100 c 15.65
Visc Index - 151
Fuel % 0.0
Antifreeze % 0.0
Water % 0.0
Soot % 0.3
Any make-up oil added?

Do you ever get TBN also?

Your Molybdenum at 3 and Magnesium at 10 are about used up.

Moly universal average should be 35 and Mag 343.
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The universal averages you quote are dependent on brand and ady package and really aren't that universal. Although I don't have, nor have seen a VOA for this oil I would highly doubt the values were even that high right out of the bottle.

I've quick changed Cdn Tire Diesel oil (stout, simple ady package) at 2157 km and have seen moly @ 2 and mag @ 12. TBN was 10.5 at that time.

I guess what I'm saying is that you won't see it if it wasn't there in the first place.

Make up oil was less than 1 liter and I did not get TBN tested.
You UOA has nothing to do with the OP's. st it's a complete different product. Never compare UOA from 2 different oils or vehicles for that matter
If you look at the very first post (Stinky Peterson)in the VOA section you will see that a great deal of diesel oils start out with low Mg and Mn.
I just think its presumptuous to say an additive is used up if we're not sure it was there in the first place.
In an oil like Mobil TDT that may be valid but I'm not so sure it holds true for Redline's diesel oil.

Has anyone else seen a UOA for Redline 15W40 Diesel with much higher values?
These are not the same product The op is using. Realize that Anti Wear additive dont get used up between VOA and UOA. Without TAN and TBN you cannot determine if an oil is used up. The RL 5-40 is really meant as redlines Euro product.

Please guys for the OP sake dont start trying to compare products. Keep in mind also that the Redline he is using is Ester based. It act completely different in an engine compared to how mobil 1 will
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silicon is getting up there. Mine usually stays around 4 or 5ppm. I'm not sure if that's just the oil but wear looks pretty good yet.
Originally Posted By: Ben99GT
Silicon looks to be at virgin Red Line levels.

+1 from what I've seen. Didn't they remove Moly from this oil because of its effect on Copper? Either way, I think this UOA is great for time, miles, and usage(mostly towing).
Originally Posted By: CdnMax
............One question, when is soot % a problem?

...........Soot % 0.3

Didn't know they had a soot test - do they mean total insolubles?

If so, my BlackStone reports show values should be <0.6 and <0.8 Insolubles. Why BlackStone has different should be values on the 2 reports I have done, is anyone's guess.
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Fluidlife did the analysis and they don't show total insolubles for some reason, only soot %. If Blackstone says
Panthermike and Ben99GT, thanks also for your input and insight. I'm not that familar with this oil and didn't see a VOA for it and didn't turn up a UOA when I searched either.

Info like the silicon % help a great deal.
All in all their is nothing at all wrong with this report. The oil hasn't sheared and im sure you would find with Tan and TBN that this oil has plenty of life left in.

My truck is 10 times harder on oil then what your dmax is and I get very good results back with 20,000 miles on using the same FS2500 you are. I dump copius amounts of fuel and run about 88LBS of boost depending on my tuning, but have seen 107lbs, couple this with 3600 PSI of high pressure oil i promise you Redline 15/40 is the toughest oil you will ever find for your diesel.

When I get to the shop monday I'll digup my latest UOA.
Originally Posted By: Smokefan1977
These are not the same product The op is using. Realize that Anti Wear additive dont get used up between VOA and UOA. Without TAN and TBN you cannot determine if an oil is used up. The RL 5-40 is really meant as redlines Euro product.

Please guys for the OP sake dont start trying to compare products. Keep in mind also that the Redline he is using is Ester based. It act completely different in an engine compared to how mobil 1 will

RL 5w40 and 15w40 are both CJ-4.

If RL 5w40 was meant primarily as a Euro product, they would not have bothered with CJ-4. RL 0w40 and 5w30 are more suited as the Euro oils. 5w40 has lower Moly (for CJ-4 compliance) while RL 0w40/5w30 have the full amount.

Like all (most?) CJ-4 5w40s, it works in place of many VAG/BMW/MB oils. CJ-4 ZDDP levels are like that of Euro oils from 10 years ago.

Think of it like this: RL 0w40 is like M1 0w40, RL 5w40 is like TDT/D1 ESP 5w40.
Allow me to be the voice of discontent (as expected).

Yes, this RL UOA looks decent. There is nothing alarming here, and to be honest, it's another boring Dmax UOA. (Boring in a good way).

But compare/contrast this current UOA thread to my recent dino 10w-30 HDEO UOA:

Over the same mileage (he's near 6.6k miles) and two seaons of towing (my UOA is also mostly towing, and was especially as brutal as I could make it), his wear metals and other criteria are no "better" than mine. He probably spent 3x or more money for RL, and got the exact same UOA results that I did, under nearly identical conditions, for the same duration.

I'm not saying the RL didn't do a decent job; it did. But it surely didn't result in 3x or 4x less wear now, did it? So if RL didn't provide "better" wear protection, then what can it give? The only alternative is to get "longer" wear protection.

If he does not GREATLY extend his OCI, he's wasting money big time. I fully understand that everyone is entitled to buy/use what they deem appropriate; I wouldn't have it any other way. But it is foolish to ignore the topic of ROI when viewing a UOA. UOAs are supposed to be tools to track the direct health of the lube, and the indirect health of the equipment. If those are in decent shape, then why not choose the least cost product that provides the "same" results?

To just break even, he'd have to run this out to 40k km or 7-8 years. Is he willing to do that? In fact, there are a lot of dino Dmax UOAs that show (even when towing) 10k miles is not out of the question. Could he go 50-60k km? Could he even keep his hands off the wrenches that long? Only he knows.

Food for thought ...

I will now return you to you regularly scheduled synthetic rhetoric.
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