recommend me an oil

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Jul 20, 2002
Port Colborne, ON
right, so i have a 1991 honda civic DX sedan with the 1.5 L 1493cc engine which i use to haul around pizzas with. basically the regime when working consists of:

- start up engine
- take off immediately and drive briskly to customer's house
- idle in driveway for ~2-3 mins
- take off and either come back to store and shut off engine, or go to another house.

repeat this about 15 times a night, 5 times a week or so. right now i'm using regular oil with a Wix 51344 oil filter.. i think i'm going to stick with the filter but need to know what you guys think would be a good oil choice. i'm thinking along the lines of mobil 1 and the manual calls for a 5w30 grade.

and yes the ATF fluid gets changed every 10,000 km

car has 147,000 km on it right now. fire away.
In Ontario you'll mostly find Quaker State, Pennzoil, Castrol GTX, Havoline and all the high mileage versions of those oils too.
erm yeah i should have pointed that out i guess... it can get really cold, like well below zero (often on both scales) sometimes.

basically the consensus is to stay with conventional oil?

[ February 06, 2003, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: dragboat ]

Originally posted by Greg:
erm yeah i should have pointed that out i guess... it can get really f'ing cold, like well below zero (often on both scales) sometimes.

basically the consensus is to stay with conventional oil?

If you don't mind paying extra for synthetic, you might do better with Mobil 1 or Amsoil at 10,000km intervals. Are you going to do oil analysis? If you do you might find you could go to 15 or even 20,000km.
I think if you were you, I'd just run a good dino 10W-30. That 5W-30 will get beat up pretty fast under those conditions. I'd probably run Chevron or Schaeffer.

Originally posted by Ken2:


Originally posted by Greg:


Originally posted by Patman:


Originally posted by oilcanboyd:
i say just run 10w-30 exxon superflo b/c its inexpensive.

We don't have that or Chevron up here in Ontario.

we have the esso equivalent.

Esso isn't Chevron, it's Exxon.


...which is what he mentioned...
If you insist dino oil, take a look at Forumla Shell. I've heard alot of good things about it, and someone on here even said it removed quite a bit of sludge in their honda. I just went to their website and glanced at the specs, and they look pretty good. I think I might actually try some next oil change, because my Jeep's engine still has a little sludge up in the valvetrain/lifter alleys.


i'm open to any kind of oil. right now it has tech 2000 5w30.

It's tough to kill a Honda engine. My '89 Civic has had some mediocre oil and filters in its life I'm sure. 173,000 miles and still pulls strong with no major leaks (oil pan gasket appears to be leaking but no drips) or major oil consumption (maybe a 1/2 quart in the last run of Schaeffer 10w30.... 2500 miles).
hrm, i'm considering running the new german syntec 0w-30 for 12,000 km and seeing where i'm at then, does that sound like an ok plan of action?

Originally posted by Greg:
hrm, i'm considering running the new german syntec 0w-30 for 12,000 km and seeing where i'm at then, does that sound like an ok plan of action?

Sounds good to me, as you probably read, that's my new plan of action in my sister's 99 Civic. First interval will be about 10,000km, then the second one I will run much longer (if it looks ok on first analysis) This idea works better for me than doing all those other tests anyways, as it saves me $$$ on all the oil analysis, plus it saves me the hassle of having to do 2-3 extra changes on her car this year (saving her $$$ too)

I still can't believe the German 0w30 is the same price as the group 3 stuff! I hope it's more readily available soon, I went to a different Walmart and a Crappy Tire today and they didn't have it (the Walmart I went to only had the group 3 0w30 made in USA)
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