Reason to Move to a Thicker oil???

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Jun 8, 2002
Elizabethtown, Pa

Good article that makes one possibly rethink their decision to use 20 wt. oils. The punch lines come at the end of the article.
I don't keep my cars long enough to worry about it except my '18 Forester XT. Will go the distance. 30 wt is recommended. I use Euro 0W-40
Zero data presentation. His conclusion/opinion is "a little thicker is probably better." I use 0w20 in our Rav4 that recommends 0w16 so I'm not in disagreement with him. I think you need to get into real severe service or high high mileage to see any meaningful differences.
Not a perfect article though I agree with it. Could have use more data/studies and there are engine wear studies published by gm, ford, nissan, volvo if I'm thinking correctly. and likely some others that they could have used.

Good article that makes one possibly rethink their decision to use 20 wt. oils. The punch lines come at the end of the article.
I don't keep my cars long enough to worry about it except my '18 Forester XT. Will go the distance. 30 wt is recommended. I use Euro 0W-40
The ideal viscosity is 9 to 12 cSt at operating temperature assuming you have sufficient oil pressure when hot at idle.
A 20 weight could be perfectly fine.

Good article that makes one possibly rethink their decision to use 20 wt. oils. The punch lines come at the end of the article.
I don't keep my cars long enough to worry about it except my '18 Forester XT. Will go the distance. 30 wt is recommended. I use Euro 0W-40
Was this 20 year-old Machinery Lubrication Magazine stuffed between the Playboy Mags under a toilet paper dispenser?

Thanks for the return down SAE Memory Lane. Yes, the thickies still rule under the hood. Wear Protection over Gasoline Savings for all Hyunkia owners.... for sure.
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