Originally posted by Ray H:
I'm not laughing. I used some of the Equilon-made "Havoline" dino in my wife's Cavalier. It stunk. (odor) But, it seemed to work alright, though. I've come across some Pep Boys "Proline" on a vacation to the midwest (Wichita) I used for top-up that had a pronounced fruity-sweet characteristic in addition to the expected petroleum odor. Never understood that. The neighbors think I'm nuts when they see me sniffing oil bottles... Once I thoroughly cleaned an empty several times and partially refilled it with tap water and pancake syrup for color and body. During my next oil change, when I was sure the guys across the street were standing around holding up rakes but really watching me for first signs of the "crazy man" about to snif his oil, I sniffed and then took a swig out of the doctored bottle. They came bounding across the street with a look of stark terror, yelling my name and a few expletives challenging my sanity. I just looked up and and said, "What!?", and then took another swig, being sure to allow a little amber colored drool to roll down my chin. @#$@ed busy-bodies! It WAS labled "SL", after all!...