Question for Pennzoil people.

It's what I use in my 535d (diesel) for 10k (highway) mile OCIs. It looks like they have recently changed the name. It was previously Pennzoil Euro L.
Today, my dealer used PennzoilPlatinum Euro LX
Full Synthetic. 5W-30. Made from Natural Gas.

Any good?
Equal to, or better than M1?
I don't think anyone around here can prove it's "better" or "worse" but it it contains many of the same euro approvals as the equivalent M1 ESP and GTL is Shell's premium base oil.
Today, my dealer used PennzoilPlatinum Euro LX
Full Synthetic. 5W-30. Made from Natural Gas.

Any good?
Equal to, or better than M1?
Let me guess! This occurred at your Kia Dealership?
Numerous Hyunkia Dealerships feature Pennzoil Euros.

My understanding.....
Pennzoil Euro L and LX comparable to Mobil-1 ESP
Pennzoil Ultra Platinum comparable to Mobil-1 EP
Pennzoil Platinum comparable to Mobil-1.

I'm just curious as-to how much they charged you for that Oil Change.
It's a pretty good, cheaper oil great for diy oil changes because it's cheap and widely available.
Perfect choice when you can't run really long oci due to something like say fuel dilution or because you have a diesel engine that's really expensive to fix and you just don't want crazy long oci.
Shear stability seems okay.